首页> 外文期刊>Animal Feed Science and Technology >Enteric methane production, digestibility and rumen fermentation in dairy cows fed different forages with and without rapeseed fat supplementation

Enteric methane production, digestibility and rumen fermentation in dairy cows fed different forages with and without rapeseed fat supplementation


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The purpose of this experiment was to study the effect of forage species (grass or maize) and the maturity stage of grass on enteric methane (CH4) production, nutrient digestibility and rumen fermentation, and to study possible interactions with cracked rapeseed as fat source. Six lactating, ruminal, duodenal and Heal cannulated Holstein dairy cows (206 days in milk, milk yield 25.1 kg) were submitted to an incomplete Latin square design (6 x 4) with six diets and four periods. Two grass silages (early first cut, 361 g aNDFom/kg DM and late first cut, 515 g aNDFom/kg DM) and one maize silage were supplemented with either low fat concentrate or high fat concentrate. The dietary fat concentration in the high fat diets was approximately 60 g/kg DM. Diurnal samples of duodenal and ileal digesta and feces were compiled. The CH4 production was measured for four days in open-circuit respiration chambers. Additional fat reduced the gross energy (GE) lost as CH4 from 6.3 to 5.8% of GE intake, independent of forage species and quality. Energy loss as CH4 constituted 6.1, 6.7 and 5.4% of GE intake for early grass silage, late grass silage and maize silage, respectively. However, there was no difference between early grass silage and maize silage when CH4 production was related to kg organic matter (OM) digested. Fat supplementation did not affect OM or aNDFom digestibility. Maize silage had a higher ruminal OM digestibility, but lower ruminal aNDFom digestibility than grass silage. Early cut grass silage had a higher total tract OM and aNDFom digestibility than late cut grass silage. The present study demonstrates that choice of forage species and harvest time affects CH4 emission from dairy cows, while the CH4 reducing ability of fat does not interact with forage characteristics
机译:该实验的目的是研究牧草种类(草或玉米)和草的成熟期对肠甲烷(CH4)生成,营养物质消化率和瘤胃发酵的影响,并研究与裂化油菜籽作为脂肪源的可能相互作用。将六头泌乳,瘤胃,十二指肠和Heal插管的荷斯坦奶牛(在牛奶中饲养206天,产奶量25.1千克)进行不完全拉丁方设计(6 x 4),采用六种饮食和四个时期。向两个青贮青贮饲料(初切为361 g aNDFom / kg DM,初次为切末515 g aNDFom / kg DM)和一个玉米青贮饲料补充低脂精矿或高脂精矿。高脂饮食中的饮食脂肪浓度约为60 g / kg DM。收集十二指肠和回肠消化道和粪便的日间样品。在开式呼吸腔中测量四天的CH4产量。额外的脂肪将CH4损失的总能量(GE)从摄取的6.3​​%减少到5.8%,而与草料种类和质量无关。 CH4的能量损失分别占早期青贮青贮饲料,晚期青贮青贮饲料和玉米青贮饲料的GE摄入量的6.1%,6.7%和5.4%。但是,当CH4的产生与消化的千克有机物(OM)有关时,早期草料青贮饲料和玉米青贮饲料之间没有差异。补充脂肪不会影响OM或aNDFom的消化率。玉米青贮饲料比草青贮饲料具有更高的瘤胃OM消化率,但瘤胃的aNDFom消化率较低。早割青贮的青贮饲料比早割青贮的青贮饲料具有更高的总有机质和aNDFom消化率。本研究表明,饲草种类和收获时间的选择会影响奶牛的CH4排放,而降低CH4的脂肪脂肪能力不会与饲草特性相互作用



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