首页> 外文期刊>Andrologia >Varicocele anatomy during subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy in Chinese men

Varicocele anatomy during subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy in Chinese men


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Knowledge of subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy is of fundamental importance to ensure that varicocele is resolved and testicular function is preserved. Our study aimed to describe the number of veins, arteries and lymphatics in the subinguinal spermatic cord and to clarify their differences between two sides, between patients with different complaints and between varicoceles with different clinical grades. A total of 102 consecutive patients underwent 162 primary subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomies, during which the number of vessels with different diameters was recorded. A mean number of 12.9 internal spermatic veins, 0.9 external spermatic veins, 1.8 internal spermatic arteries and 2.9 lymphatics were identified per cord. 88.2% of the internal spermatic arteries were surrounded by a dense complex of adherent veins. The external spermatic vein or veins were found in 49.4% of the cases. The mean number of medium (1-3mm in diameter) internal spermatic veins on the left was larger than that on the right (P<0.001). The mean number of medium internal spermatic veins in grade III varicocele was larger than that in grade I or grade II (P<0.015). There was no significant anatomical difference between the men presenting for infertility, chronic testicular pain and both the two complaints.
机译:对于确保精索静脉曲张得到解决并保留睾丸功能,了解精子切除术是至关重要的。我们的研究旨在描述龈下精索的静脉,动脉和淋巴管的数量,并阐明两侧之间,不同主诉患者之间以及不同临床等级的精索静脉曲张之间的差异。总共102例连续患者接受了162例次子静脉显微手术,其中记录了不同直径的血管数目。每条脐带平均平均有12.9条精索内静脉,0.9条精索外静脉,1.8条精索内动脉和2.9条淋巴管。 88.2%的精子内动脉被粘连的静脉密集复合物包围。在49.4%的病例中发现了一个或多个精索外静脉。左侧的中位精子静脉平均直径(1-3mm)大于右侧(P <0.001)。 III级精索静脉曲张的中部精索平均数大于I级或II级(P <0.015)。男性不育,慢性睾丸疼痛和这两种主诉之间在解剖学上没有显着差异。



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