首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Tropical Paediatrics >Prevalence and determinants of the practice of genital mutilation of girls in Khartoum, Sudan.

Prevalence and determinants of the practice of genital mutilation of girls in Khartoum, Sudan.


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BACKGROUND: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is widely practised in Sudan, despite many decades of attempts to prevent it. AIMS: To estimate the prevalence of FGM, identify the types performed in Khartoum and investigate whether FGM is associated with various social factors. METHODS: Girls aged 4-9 years (n=255) presenting to a paediatric emergency ward were recruited. A detailed history was obtained and full examination, including inspection of the genitalia, was performed to verify the type and extent of FGM. RESULTS: Twenty per cent of the study group had undergone FGM, 50% of guardians indicated that it would be done later, and 29% stated that the child would not undergo FGM. In 66% of those who had undergone FGM, it was WHO type III. All operations had been performed by health professionals, mainly midwives. Those who had allowed or intended to allow their daughters to undergo FGM were of significantly lower socio-economic status (p=0.0008) and had spent significantly fewer years in school (both mothers, p=0.0015, and fathers, p=0.0266) than those who had not/would not. All who had undergone FGM were Muslims. None of the 16 Christians had undergone FGM. In girls over 7 years of age, there was a higher risk of having FGM in those who attended school than in those who did not. CONCLUSION: FGM is still practised widely in Khartoum and probably in many parts of northern Sudan and the type undertaken is often the most severe. Parental education, socio-economic level and religion are important determinants of the practice, but social pressure on parents and girls seems to play an important role.
机译:背景:尽管数十年来人们一直在努力防止女性生殖器残割(FGM)的发生,但在苏丹仍广泛采用这种做法。目的:为了估计女性外阴残割的发生率,确定在喀土穆进行的类型和调查女性外阴残割是否与各种社会因素有关。方法:招募了出现在儿科急诊病房的4-9岁女孩(n = 255)。获得了详细的病史,并进行了包括生殖器检查在内的全面检查,以验证女性生殖器切割的类型和程度。结果:研究组中有20%接受了女性生殖器切割,50%的监护人表示将在以后进行,而29%的儿童表示该孩子将不接受女性生殖器切割。在接受过女性生殖器切割的人中,有66%是世卫组织第三类。所有手术均由保健专业人员(主要是助产士)执行。那些允许或打算让其女儿接受女性生殖器残割的人的社会经济地位明显较低(p = 0.0008),并且在学校的学习时间明显少于母亲(p = 0.0015和父亲,p = 0.0266)。那些没有/不会的人。所有经历过女性外阴残割的都是穆斯林。 16位基督徒中没有一个经历过女性割礼。在7岁以上的女孩中,上学的女性比没有上过学的女性发生外阴残割的风险更高。结论:女性生殖器切割在喀土穆和苏丹北部的许多地区仍被广泛采用,所采取的类型通常最为严重。父母的教育,社会经济水平和宗教信仰是这种习俗的重要决定因素,但是对父母和女孩的社会压力似乎起着重要的作用。



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