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Geography Written in Lightning: Race, Sexuality, and Regulatory Aesthetics in The Birth of a Nation


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D. W. Griffith's racist masterpiece, The Birth of a Nation (1915), offers a potent imaginative geography of race, sexuality, and political agency that resonates nearly a century after its production. Prior to national release, the film was reviewed and approved by the National Board of Censorship, but on protest by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Board reviewed its decision and mandated changes. The archival traces of this moment are read through the concept of a "regulatory aesthetic," which enables a fuller consideration of the aesthetic effects, both representational and affective, of regulatory, governmental, and political projects such as the production and regulatory reception of Birth and the geographies they produce. Through this lens, a reading of the National Board's changes to the film in tandem with the film itself shows that white agency was fractured by region, with the northern reformers staffing the Board claiming racial innocence to resist film director and southerner D. W. Griffith's incitement to historical complicity with racism and to bolster its claim to be a nationally representative yet "disinterested" regulatory body. Simultaneously the Board sought to marginalize African American agency, specifically the protests of the NAACP, through a combination of attenuating the affective links between black characters and white spectators and acquiescing to the film's multiscalar geographies of exclusion from political space. This reading of the National Board's regulatory aesthetic underscores how cultural productions have material, political effects on and off the screen.
机译:格里菲斯(D. W. Griffith)的种族主义杰作《民族的诞生》(The Birth of a Nation,1915年),提供了一个强有力的具有想象力的种族,性别和政治代理地理,在其诞生近一个世纪后就引起了共鸣。在国家发行之前,这部电影已由国家审查委员会审查和批准,但在全国有色人种发展协会(NAACP)的抗议下,该委员会审查了其决定并要求进行更改。通过“规范美学”的概念来阅读这一刻的档案痕迹,它可以更全面地考虑规范,政府和政治项目(例如生产和接受出生)的代表性和情感性美学效果及其产生的地理位置。通过这个镜头,阅读了国家委员会对电影的修改以及电影本身,表明白人代理机构按地区划分,北方改革派人员要求该委员会种族隔离,以抵制电影导演,南方人DW格里菲斯(DW Griffith)煽动历史与种族主义共谋,并声称其是全国代表但又“无私”的监管机构。同时,董事会试图通过削弱黑人人物和白人观众之间的情感联系,并默许影片的多层面地理特征将其排除在政治空间之外,从而使非裔美国人机构(特别是NAACP的抗议活动)边缘化。对国家委员会监管美学的解读强调了文化生产如何在屏幕上和屏幕外产生物质,政治影响。



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