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On the roles of colour and scent in a specialized floral mimicry system.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sexually deceptive orchids achieve cross-pollination by mimicking the mating signals of female insects, generally hymenopterans. This pollination mechanism is often highly specific as it is based primarily on the mimicry of mating signals, especially the female sex pheromones of the targeted pollinator. Like many deceptive orchids, the Mediterranean species Ophrys arachnitiformis shows high levels of floral trait variation, especially in the colour of the perianth, which is either green or white/pinkinsh within populations. The adaptive significance of perianth colour polymorphism and its influence on pollinator visitation rates in sexually deceptive orchids remain obscure. METHODS: The relative importance of floral scent versus perianth colour in pollinator attraction in this orchid pollinator mimicry system was evaluated by performing floral scent analyses by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and behavioural bioassays with the pollinators under natural conditions were performed. KEY RESULTS: The relative and absolute amounts of behaviourally active compounds are identical in the two colour morphs of O. arachnitiformis. Neither presence/absence nor the colour of the perianth (green versus white) influence attractiveness of the flowers to Colletes cunicularius males, the main pollinator of O. arachnitiformis. CONCLUSION: Chemical signals alone can mediate the interactions in highly specialized mimicry systems. Floral colour polymorphism in O. arachnitiformis is not subjected to selection imposed by C. cunicularius males, and an interplay between different non-adaptive processes may be responsible for the maintenance of floral colour polymorphism both within and among populations.
机译:背景和目的:具有欺骗性的兰花通过模仿雌性昆虫(通常是膜翅目昆虫)的交配信号来实现异花授粉。这种授粉机制通常是高度特异性的,因为它主要基于模仿交配信号,尤其是目标授粉者的雌性信息素。像许多欺骗性兰花一样,地中海物种Ophrys arachnitiformis表现出高水平的花性状变异,尤其是花被色,其居群中为绿色或白色/粉红色。花粉颜色多态性的适应性意义及其对性欺骗兰花中授粉媒介访视率的影响仍然不清楚。方法:通过气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)进行花香分析,评估了花粉气味与花被色在该兰花授粉媒介模仿系统中的授粉媒介吸引力中的相对重要性,并在自然条件下使用授粉媒介进行了行为生物测定。主要结果:行为活性化合物的相对和绝对量在蜘蛛形拟南芥的两种颜色形态中是相同的。花被的存在与否或花被的颜色(绿色与白色)都不会影响花朵对to蛛的主要传粉者Colletes cunicularius雄性的吸引力。结论:化学信号本身可以介导高度专门模拟系统中的相互作用。蜘蛛拟南芥的花色多态性不受库氏梭菌雄性的选择,并且不同的非适应性过程之间的相互作用可能负责维持种群内部和种群之间的花色多态性。



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