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Attending to detail by communal spider-eating spiders


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Communal predators may often need to make especially intricate foraging decisions, as a predator's success may depend on the actions of its neighbours. Here, we consider the decisions made by Portia africana, a jumping spider (Salticidae) that preys on other spiders, including Oecobius amboseli (Oecobiidae), a small prey spider that lives under small sheets of silk (nests) on the walls of buildings. P. africana juveniles settle near oecobiid nests and then ambush oecobiids as they leave or enter the nest. Two or more P. africana juveniles sometimes settle at the same nest and, when an oecobiid is captured, the P. africana juveniles may share the meal. We investigated the joining decisions made by na < ve P. africana juveniles. Experiments were based on using lures (dead spiders positioned in lifelike posture) arranged in a series of 17 different scenes defined by the presence/absence of a nest, the lure types present and the configuration of the lures and the nest. Our findings imply that P. africana juveniles make remarkably precise predatory decisions, with the variables that matter including whether a nest is present, the identity of spiders inside and outside a nest and how spiders are positioned relative to each other and the nest.
机译:共同掠食者可能经常需要做出特别复杂的觅食决策,因为掠食者的成功可能取决于其邻居的行动。在这里,我们考虑由跳跃性蜘蛛(Salticidae)捕食其他蜘蛛而来的Portia africana的决定,其中包括生活在建筑物墙壁上一小片丝绸(巢)下的小型猎物蜘蛛Oecobius amboseli(Oecobiidae)。非洲假单胞菌的幼虫在蛇形生物巢附近定居,然后在它们离开或进入巢时埋伏蛇形生物。有时会有两个或两个以上的非洲象鼻幼虫在同一个巢穴中生活,当捕获到共生生物时,非洲象鼻虫的这些少年可能会一起用餐。我们调查了非洲狮。幼体的共同决定。实验基于使用诱饵(以逼真的姿势放置的死蜘蛛)布置在一系列17个不同场景中的场景,这些场景由巢的存在与否,存在的诱饵类型以及诱饵和巢的配置来定义。我们的发现表明,非洲假蝇幼虫做出了非常精确的掠夺性决定,重要的变量包括是否存在巢,巢内外蜘蛛的身份以及蜘蛛相对于彼此和巢的位置。



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