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Complete Nutrition, Amazing Grass Debuts: Health And Wellness New Products Roundup:


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Rainbow Light for millennials; NutraKey goes for performance optimization; ‘Just add milk’ for FlapJacked smoothie; and more news in brief. Omaha, Neb., firm C R Ho ld ings Inc .’s national retail chain C o m p lete N utr itio n makes its first appearance at the Arnold Sport Festival Expo in Columbus, Ohio, March 2-5, debuting its Elite Gold collection line, the firm said Feb. 28. Products include Charge-On Bars, an all-natural whole-food approach to the protein bar in a chewy texture that contains 20g protein and less than 5g sugar. Liquid NX6 Shots are pre-workout energy shots featuring a non-proprietary blend formula designed to increase nitric oxide levels and delay fatigue during workouts. Elite Gold Amino Uptake P is a formula that “feeds your muscles during the day, amplifies your workout, and decreases soreness post workout,” the firm says. Product prices are not yet available.
机译:千禧一代的彩虹之光;NutraKey致力于性能优化只需在薄饼冰沙中加入牛奶;还有更多简讯。内布拉斯加州奥马哈,公司C R Ho ld ings Inc该公司2月28日表示,美国全国零售连锁店C o m p lete N Utrition N首次亮相于3月2日至5日在俄亥俄州哥伦布举行的阿诺德体育节博览会,首次推出其精英黄金收藏系列。产品包括Charge On Bars,这是一种全天然的蛋白质棒,口感耐嚼,含有20克蛋白质和不到5克糖。液体NX6是训练前能量注射,采用非专利混合配方,旨在增加一氧化氮水平,延缓训练期间的疲劳。Elite Gold Amino Aduction P是一种配方奶粉,可以“在白天为肌肉提供营养,增强锻炼效果,并减少锻炼后的酸痛,”该公司说。产品价格尚未公布。



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