首页> 外文期刊>The British Journal of Nutrition >Higher egg consumption associated with increased risk of diabetes in Chinese adults - China Health and Nutrition Survey

Higher egg consumption associated with increased risk of diabetes in Chinese adults - China Health and Nutrition Survey

机译:中国成人糖尿病风险增加的较高蛋消耗 - 中国卫生和营养调查

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The association between egg consumption and diabetes is inconclusive. We aimed to examine the association between long-term egg consumption and its trajectory with diabetes in Chinese adults. A total of 8545 adults aged >= 18 years old who attended the China Health and Nutrition Survey from 1991 to 2009 were included in this analysis. Egg consumption at each survey was assessed by a 3-d 24-h recall and weighed food record methods. The consumption trajectories of eggs were modelled with the latent class group approach. Diabetes was diagnosed based on fasting blood glucose in 2009. Logistic regression was used to examine the association. The mean age of the study population was 50 center dot 9 (sd 15 center dot 1) years. About 11 center dot 1 % had diabetes in 2009. Egg consumption nearly doubled in 2009 from 16 g/d in 1991. Compared with the first quartile of egg consumption (0-9 center dot 0 g/d), the adjusted OR of diabetes for the second (9 center dot 1-20 center dot 6 g/d), third (20 center dot 7-37 center dot 5 g/d) and fourth (>= 37 center dot 6 g/d) quartiles were 1 center dot 29 (95 % CI 1 center dot 03, 1 center dot 62), 1 center dot 37 (95 % CI 1 center dot 09, 1 center dot 72) and 1 center dot 25 (95 % CI 1 center dot 04, 1 center dot 64), respectively (P-for trend = 0 center dot 029). Three trajectory groups of egg consumption were identified. Compared with group 1 (30 center dot 7 %, low baseline intake and slight increase), both group 2 (62 center dot 2 %, medium baseline intake and increase) and group 3 (7 center dot 1 %, high baseline intake and decrease) were associated with an increased OR for diabetes. The results suggested that higher egg consumption was positively associated with the risk of diabetes in Chinese adults.
机译:鸡蛋消费与糖尿病之间的关系尚不确定。我们旨在研究中国成年人长期食用鸡蛋及其轨迹与糖尿病之间的关系。共有8545名年龄大于等于18岁的成年人参加了1991年至2009年的中国健康与营养调查,他们被纳入该分析。每次调查的鸡蛋消耗量均通过3-d 24小时回顾和称重食物记录方法进行评估。鸡蛋的消费轨迹采用潜在类群法建模。糖尿病是根据2009年的空腹血糖诊断出来的。采用Logistic回归分析这一相关性。研究人群的平均年龄为50中心点9(sd 15中心点1)岁。2009年,大约11.1%的人患有糖尿病。鸡蛋消费量从1991年的每天16克增加到2009年的近一倍。与鸡蛋消费量的第一个四分位数(0-9中心点0g/d)相比,第二个四分位数(9中心点1-20中心点6g/d)、第三个四分位数(20中心点7-37中心点5g/d)和第四个四分位数(>=37中心点6g/d)的糖尿病调整OR为1中心点29(95%可信区间1中心点03,1中心点62),1个圆心点37(95%置信区间1个圆心点09,1个圆心点72)和1个圆心点25(95%置信区间1个圆心点04,1个圆心点64),分别为(趋势P=0个圆心点029)。确定了三组鸡蛋消费轨迹。与第一组(30中心点7%,低基线摄入量和轻微增加)相比,第二组(62中心点2%,中等基线摄入量和增加)和第三组(7中心点1%,高基线摄入量和减少)均与糖尿病的OR增加有关。结果表明,在中国成年人中,较高的鸡蛋摄入量与糖尿病风险呈正相关。



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