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Differences in sward structure of ryegrass cultivars and impact on milk production of grazing dairy cows.


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Animal trials cannot be used in routine in a forage grass-breeding programme or in a cultivar testing procedure. An alternative to these animal trials is to identify plant traits associated with a high animal production under grazing that could be used as selection criteria. This study was conducted to determine the effect of sward structure on milk production and compared 4 late-heading diploid perennial ryegrass cultivars (Lolium perenne L.) under grazing. They were rotationally strip grazed with 48 autumn calving dairy cows during 3 periods in spring 1999. Herbage allowance was 18 kg DM/cow/day and the rotation interval was 3 weeks. Differences in milk production were small but significant. Cows that grazed cultivar 1 exhibited an extra milk production of 0.4 kg/cow/day than those that grazed cultivar 4. Total biomass, digestibility and nitrogen contents were similar irrespective of the cultivar. Cultivar 4 exhibited a higher biomass per tiller but a lower tiller density, bulk density and green leaf mass in the upper layers of the sward when compared with cultivar 1. Cows likely ingested more pseudostems formed by the sheath tubes and the stem growing inside grazing cultivar 4 than the others (14 vs. 8 cm). The intermediate layers of the sward, containing pseudostems, were 6.7 points less digestible than the upper layers. Therefore, the ingested herbage of cultivar 4 was likely to be less digestible and less palatable than the others..
机译:动物试验不能在饲料草育种程序或品种测试程序中常规使用。这些动物试验的替代方法是确定与放牧中高动物产量相关的植物性状,可以用作选择标准。进行这项研究来确定草皮结构对产奶量的影响,并比较了放牧条件下的4种晚抽穗多年生多年生黑麦草品种(黑麦草)。在1999年春季的3个时段内,对它们进行了48头秋季产犊奶牛的轮转放牧。牧草津贴为18公斤DM /牛/天,轮换间隔为3周。牛奶产量的差异很小但很明显。放牧品种1的母牛比放牧品种4的母牛表现出0.4千克/牛/天的额外产奶量,不管品种如何,总生物量,消化率和氮含量相似。与品种1相比,品种4的分till生物量更高,但在上层的分till密度,容重和绿叶质量较低。 4比其他(14 vs. 8 cm)。包含假茎的草皮中间层的消化率比上层低6.7点。因此,与其他品种相比,摄入的品种4的牧草的消化率和可口性较差。



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