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Leader-follower risk orientation incongruence, intellectual stimulation, and creativity: A configurational approach


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Prior work suggests that follower and leader risk orientation is positively associated with follower creativity. We suggest that this view is oversimplified and propose that follower creativity can be stimulated when leader and follower have diverging risk orientations. We, therefore, apply a configurational approach to creativity, evaluating varying combinations of leader and follower risk orientation on follower creativity. Across two field studies, we demonstrate that (a) follower creativity increases as leaders' and followers' risk orientations become more discrepant (i.e., incongruent); (b) follower creativity is higher when leader-follower dyads are congruent at moderate levels of risk orientation compared to congruence at the extremes (i.e., low and high levels); (c) follower-experienced intellectual stimulation mediates the relationship between leader-follower risk orientation incongruence and congruence and follower creativity; and (d) that leader authority openness moderates the indirect effect of leader-follower risk orientation incongruence on creativity via follower-experienced intellectual stimulation. Theoretical and practical implications specific to creativity and leader-follower relationships are discussed.
机译:之前的研究表明,跟随者和领导者的风险导向与跟随者的创造力呈正相关。我们认为这一观点过于简单化,并提出当领导者和追随者具有不同的风险取向时,可以激发追随者的创造力。因此,我们对创造力采用配置方法,评估领导者和追随者风险取向对追随者创造力的不同组合。在两项实地研究中,我们证明:(a)随着领导者和追随者的风险取向变得更加不一致(即不一致),追随者的创造力增加;(b) 与极端情况下(即低水平和高水平)的一致性相比,当领导者-追随者二元体在中等风险导向水平上一致时,追随者创造力更高;(c) 跟随者经历的智力刺激在领导-跟随者风险取向不一致性与一致性与跟随者创造力之间起中介作用;(d)领导者权威开放性通过追随者经历的智力刺激调节了领导者-追随者风险取向不一致对创造力的间接影响。文中还讨论了创造力和领导者与追随者关系的理论和实践意义。



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