首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives in Biology and Medicine >'FUTILITY' AS IN ENGLISH OR 'FUTILITIES' AS IN FRENCH:a valuable semantic misunderstanding?

'FUTILITY' AS IN ENGLISH OR 'FUTILITIES' AS IN FRENCH:a valuable semantic misunderstanding?


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This article offers a comparative perspective of the controversy about the use of the term futility as presented by Schneiderman and colleagues (2017). The English concept of "medical futility" has no semantic equivalent in the French language. The traditional term used to translate it was "therapeutic obstinacy," which changed to "unreasonable obstinacy" when the first end-of-life law was adopted in 2005. The change was done in order to demedicalize the concept and make it less objective and less scientific. As such, the intention of the French legislature may have been equivalent to the intention behind the recent U.S. policy statement that proposed replacing the term futile with inappropriate (Bosslet et al. 2015). The semantic change towards "unreasonable obstinacy" pushed practitioners in France to the same conclusion formalized some years ago by Helft and colleagues (2000), who said that pronouncing the term futility can't be enough by itself to convince patients or their proxies that the treatments should be ceased. Instead, it should initiate the difficult task of negotiating until they will accept that there is no other issue for the patient but the withdrawal of all aggressive and invasive treatments. The best way to enter this cruel negotiation remains unresolved. Is it in using the term futility, which involves a notion of medical undisputable objectivity, as well as an ending dimension that is difficult for people to be confronted with? Or is it in choosing a less definitive word, which leaves
机译:这篇文章从一个比较的角度阐述了Schneiderman及其同事(2017年)提出的关于无用一词使用的争议。英语中“医疗无用”的概念在法语中没有语义对等。用来翻译它的传统术语是“治疗性顽固”,2005年第一部生命终结法通过时,它变成了“不合理的顽固”。这一改变是为了使这个概念非医学化,降低其客观性和科学性。因此,法国立法机构的意图可能相当于美国最近的政策声明背后的意图,该声明提议用“不适当”取代“无用”一词(Bosslet et al.2015)。“无理固执”的语义变化促使法国的从业者得出了几年前由赫尔夫特及其同事(2000)正式确定的相同结论,他们说,仅仅宣布无效一词本身不足以说服患者或其代理人停止治疗。相反,它应该启动艰难的谈判任务,直到他们接受对患者来说没有其他问题,只有放弃所有积极和侵入性治疗。进入这场残酷谈判的最佳方式仍未解决。是否因为使用了“无用”这个词,它涉及到医学上无可争议的客观性,以及人们难以面对的结局维度?还是选择了一个不那么确定的词



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