首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Forest Science >Pattern of genotype-environment interaction in Picea glauca (Moench) Voss in Alberta, Canada

Pattern of genotype-environment interaction in Picea glauca (Moench) Voss in Alberta, Canada


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Genotype-environment interaction (GEI) among 19 white spruce provenances planted on eight sites in Alberta, Canada, was analyzed using type B correlations (r (p) ) and the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model. The objectives were to quantify the extent of crossover interaction for height and diameter; evaluate the age-trends in GEI for height and diameter; and examine the role of provenance and test site climate in causing GEI.A high-latitude (similar to 59A degrees N) site was poorly correlated (r (p) = -0.31 to 0.56) with sites located south of latitude 56A degrees N; a high-elevation (1,220 m) site was poorly correlated (r (p) a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 0.40) with most of the sites located at medium and low elevations (a parts per thousand currency sign800 m); additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis revealed a strong association between provenances and sites with similar climate; high-latitude provenances and sites with cool winters and dry summers, and high-elevation provenances and sites with high precipitation and short growing seasons contributed the greatest to GEI.Because the relationship between GEI and climate corresponds well with latitudes and topography, seed transfer in Alberta can be effectively regulated by setting latitude and elevation transfer limits that are periodically adjusted to reflect the changing conditions caused by climate change.
机译:利用B型相关性(r(p))以及加性主效应和乘性相互作用(AMMI)模型分析了加拿大艾伯塔省八个地点种植的19种白云杉种源之间的基因型-环境相互作用(GEI)。目的是量化高度和直径的交叉相互作用的程度;评估GEI的高度和直径的年龄趋势;高纬度(类似于北纬59A)站点与北纬56A°以南站点之间的相关性很弱(r(p)= -0.31至0.56);高海拔(1,220 m)站点与大多数站点位于中高海拔(千分之一货币符号800 m)的相关性很差(r(p)每千分之一货币符号的部分欧元每千分之0.40);相加的主效应和乘性相互作用分析揭示了物源与气候相似地点之间的强烈关联;高纬度种源和冬季凉爽,夏季干燥的地点,高海拔种源和降雨高,生长期短的地点对GEI的影响最大。因为GEI和气候之间的关系与纬度和地势,种子转移的关系很好。可以通过设置纬度和海拔转换限制来有效地调节亚伯达省,并定期调整这些限制以反映气候变化引起的变化情况。



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