首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Applied Biology >Effects of water stress and rootstocks on fruit phenolic composition and physical/chemical quality in Suncrest peach

Effects of water stress and rootstocks on fruit phenolic composition and physical/chemical quality in Suncrest peach


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The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effects of water stress and different rootstocks on the quality indices and nutritional characteristics of peach fruit, cv. Suncrest. The results show how pre-harvest factors, such as the type of rootstock and water stress, can influence the quality indices and nutritional properties of peach fruits. Rootstocks type influenced both quality indices such as flesh firmness (FF) and soluble solid content (SSC), but it is unclear how rootstock exerted its influence. Also water stress induced changes in quality indices of peach fruit grafted on GF 677 and Montclar whereas minor effects were recorded when water stress was applied on Penta. The content of hydroxycinnamic acids was similar in control fruits of GF677, Montclar and Penta and it increased significantly only in fruit of trees grafted on GF 677 following water stress. Anthocyanins content in fruit of control plants was higher in Montclar in comparison with the fruit grafted on the other two rootstocks while procyanidin content was higher in fruit of control plants grafted on Penta. Following the water stress an increase in total anthocyanins was observed in GF 677 and Penta whereas no significant differences were found for Montclar. Water stress induced a significant decrease in procyanidin content in Penta. In conclusion in fruits of trees grafted on Penta following water stress quality indices did not show changes but significant variations in some phytochemicals, i.e. anthocyanins and procyanindins were observed. The results suggest that the regulation of water management is an important factor to maintain a good quality of the fruits. In fact, if irrigation stress can induce a higher biosynthesis of phytochemical compounds and an increase of SSC, at the same time, it can change fruit quality traits, such as a lower FW in Montclar, a higher titratable acidity (TA) in GF 677 and Penta and a lower FF in Gf 677 and Montclar.
机译:本工作的目的是评估水分胁迫和不同砧木对桃果实质量指标和营养特性的影响。桑克雷斯特。结果表明,收获前的因素,例如砧木的类型和水分胁迫,如何影响桃果实的品质指标和营养特性。砧木类型影响肉质硬度(FF)和可溶性固形物含量(SSC)等质量指标,但尚不清楚砧木如何发挥其影响力。水分胁迫还导致嫁接在GF 677和Montclar上的桃果实品质指数的变化,而在Penta上施加水分胁迫则记录到较小的影响。 GF677,Montclar和Penta的对照果实中的羟基肉桂酸含量相似,并且仅在水分胁迫后用GF 677嫁接的树木中才显着增加。与其他两种砧木嫁接的果实相比,Montclar的对照植物果实中的花色苷含量更高,而在Penta上嫁接的对照植物果实中的花青素含量更高。水分胁迫后,GF 677和Penta的总花色苷增加,而Montclar没有发现显着差异。水分胁迫导致Penta中原花青素含量显着下降。总的来说,在水分胁迫下,Penta嫁接的树木的果实没有表现出变化,但是在某些植物化学物质中观察到了显着的变化,即花青素和原花青素。结果表明,水分管理的调控是保持果实良好品质的重要因素。实际上,如果灌溉胁迫可以诱导更高的植物化学成分生物合成和SSC的增加,那么它可以改变果实的品质特性,例如Montclar的FW较低,GF 677的可滴定酸度(TA)较高和Penta,以及GF 677和Montclar的较低FF。



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