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Bryophyte communities and seston in a karst stream (Jankovac Stream, Papuk Nature Park, Croatia)


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An investigation into bryophyte communities in karst Jankovac Stream (Papuk Nature Park, Croatia) was carried out once a month from July 2008 to June 2009. Samples were taken from two lotic microhabitats: (i) Jankovac Spring (JS), a hypocrenal habitat with dense bryophyte clusters (90% bottom cover) and (ii) Jankovac Waterfall (JW), with scattered bryophyte clusters (50% bottom cover). At the same time, seston samples were collected during the spring as the source site and after the JW, as the outflow site. The goals of this study were to understand the (i) algal, protozoan and metazoan bryophyte community assemblages in these two lotic microhabitats, (ii) influence of environmental factors on the structuring of the bryophyte community and (iii) structure of seston along the longitudinal profile. A total of 172 taxa were determined: 68 algae, 55 protozoa, 24 meiofauna and 25 macroinvertebrates. Statistically significant differences between two microhabitats differing in percentage of bryophyte cover were established testing 13 environmental parameters. In dense bryophyte clusters, community structure was determined by flow velocity and pH, and macroinvertebrates achieved higher diversity and abundance. On the contrary, in scattered bryophyte coverage algae, protozoa and meiofauna reached higher abundance and diversity governed by the amount of suspended organic matter and epiphyton. In contrast to previous studies, the inverse ratio of community diversity and abundance versus percentage of bryophyte cover was established. We assume this to be the result of an enrichment of the scattered bryophyte clusters by upstream seston. Additionally, the effects of anthropogenic hydromorphological disturbance are reflected in macroinvertebrate diversity and abundance reduction.
机译:从2008年7月至2009年6月,每月对喀斯特Jankovac溪(克罗地亚Papuk自然公园)的苔藓植物群落进行一次调查。样品取自两个抽烟的微生境:(i)Jankovac Spring(JS),一个具有密集的苔藓植物簇(90%底盖)和(ii)Jankovac Waterfall(JW),散布的苔藓植物簇(50%底盖)。同时,在春季期间收集了精子样品作为源部位,在JW之后收集了流出样品。这项研究的目的是了解(i)这两个抽水微生境中的藻类,原生动物和后生苔藓植物群落,(ii)环境因素对苔藓植物群落结构的影响,以及(iii)沿纵向的塞斯顿结构个人资料。总共确定了172个分类单元:68个藻类,55个原生动物,24个中型动物和25个大型无脊椎动物。通过测试13个环境参数,确定了两个微生境之间不同的苔藓植物覆盖率,具有统计学意义上的显着差异。在密集的苔藓植物群中,群落结构是由流速和pH决定的,大型无脊椎动物获得了更高的多样性和丰度。相反,在散布的苔藓植物中,藻类,原生动物和中部动物达到了较高的丰度和多样性,这取决于悬浮有机物和附生植物的数量。与以前的研究相反,建立了群落多样性和丰度与苔藓植物覆盖率的反比。我们认为这是上游色子富集散布苔藓植物簇的结果。此外,人为水形态干扰的影响反映在大型无脊椎动物的多样性和丰度的降低上。



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