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Bibliometric study of journal publications on analytical chemistry 2000-2007: Publication productivity and journal preferences by country


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A bibliometric study of journal publications on analytical chemistry 2000-2007 focusing on the field of analytical chemistry is presented. The study involved performing different crossed searches using Boolean operators in the Web of Science database from the Institute of Scientific Information. The fields used were the country associated with the corresponding author, the source and the document type. Only journals that mostly publish full research articles were considered. After analyzing the data extracted from these five journals, slight differences were observed between the ranks of the countries in the narrower study and those in the wider study. The countries from the EU that contribute most to the top journal in analytical chemistry (Analytical Chemistry) are Germany and the UK, which are far ahead of their European competitors. One clear conclusion of this study is that the contribution of China has increased greatly; it now has one of the highest publication rates of any country.
机译:提供了一份关于2000-2007年分析化学期刊出版物的文献计量研究,重点是分析化学领域。该研究涉及在科学信息研究所的Web of Science数据库中使用布尔运算符执行不同的交叉搜索。使用的字段是与相应作者关联的国家/地区,来源和文档类型。仅考虑大多数发表完整研究文章的期刊。在对从这五种期刊中提取的数据进行分析之后,发现在较窄的研究范围内的国家与在较广泛的研究范围内的国家的排名之间存在细微差异。欧盟对分析化学顶级期刊(Analytical Chemistry)贡献最大的国家是德国和英国,它们远远领先于欧洲竞争对手。这项研究的一个明确结论是,中国的贡献大大增加了。现在,它是所有国家/地区中出版率最高的国家之一。



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