首页> 外文期刊>AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses >Causes of Death in HIV-Infected Individuals with Immunovirologic Success in a National Prospective Survey

Causes of Death in HIV-Infected Individuals with Immunovirologic Success in a National Prospective Survey


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This prospective multi-center observational survey describes causes of death and their trends from 2000 to 2010 among treated HIV-infected patients with immunovirologic success (PIVS) in France. In 90 clinical sites providing HIV care and treatment, representing a cohort of 82,000 patients in 2010, the underlying causes of death and characteristics of deceased patients were prospectively recorded in 2000, 2005, and 2010 by using a standardized form. We provide data on PIVS, define as patients with a CD4+ T cell value above 500/mm3 and a plasma HIV-1 RNA below 50 copies/ml at their last periodic checkup before death, compare them with immunovirologic uncontrolled patients, and describe trends in these data from 2000 onward. The main underlying causes of death of the 120 PIVS recorded in 2010 were: a non-AIDS/nonviral hepatitis-related malignancy (19%), suicide (12.5%), cardiovascular disease (11.5%), and liver disease (11%). Only three PIVS died of an AIDS-related event. Socioeconomic difficulty was identified in 41% of PIVS in 2010. This percentage had constantly grown since 2000 (p < .001). Median age at death also increased (40, 46, and 52 years in 2000, 2005, and 2010, respectively; p < .001). The distribution of the main causes of death of PIVS was statistically different from that of uncontrolled patients (p < .001). Although immunovirologic control is fundamental, a parallel multidisciplinary approach to care is essential to accurately detect and treat comorbidities, particularly cancer, psychiatric disorders, and cardiovascular disease. Psychosocial aspects must be considered.



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