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Hairy vetch varieties and bi-cultures influence cover crop services in strip-tilled sweet corn.


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Hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa Roth) cover crops provide a wide array of ecosystem services including erosion protection, weed suppression, and N fixation. However, adoption has been hindered by risks including overwinter mortality and regrowth following mowing or crimping. Early-flowering vetch varieties and mixed stands of vetch and cereal rye ( Secale cereale L.) have the potential to reduce these risks, but little is known about their impact on N fixation. In field trials in Central Michigan, two early-flowering hairy vetch varieties (Purple Bounty and Purple Prosperity) and one later-flowering variety ('Oregon') were grown alone and in mixtures with cereal rye, prior to strip-tilled sweet corn ( Zea mays L. var. rugosa). Vetches grown in mixture with rye had equal or greater overwinter survival and earlier flowering than vetches grown in monoculture. Nitrogen fixation of early-flowering varieties was not affected by mixture with rye. However, N fixation of Oregon was lower when grown in monoculture than when grown in mixture in 2009. Purple Bounty and Purple Prosperity flowered earlier than Oregon, exhibited comparable survival, and had equal or greater levels of N fixation. Despite differences in the timing of flowering, there were no differences in regrowth of hairy vetch following mowing. Nor were any differences in sweet corn yield or quality detected. These results demonstrate that rye-vetch mixtures can increase overwinter survival, accelerate flowering, and increase N fixation relative to vetch monocultures. Observed varietal differences in flowering time, N fixation, and response to bicultures may be exploited to optimize cover crop use in agroecosystems.
机译:紫罗兰(Vicia villosa Roth)覆盖农作物提供了广泛的生态系统服务,包括防侵蚀,抑制杂草和固氮。但是,收割受到了包括越冬死亡率和割草或卷缩后再生长等风险的阻碍。早熟的v子品种以及of子和谷物黑麦(Secale graine L.)的混交林有降低这些风险的潜力,但对其固氮作用的影响知之甚少。在密歇根州中部进行的田间试验中,分别种植了两个早开花的v子品种(紫色赏金和紫色繁荣)和一个晚开花的品种(俄勒冈州),然后与谷物黑麦混合种植,然后剥去甜玉米(玉蜀LL.var.rugosa)。与黑麦混合种植的etch子,其越冬存活率或更高,且比单一栽培的子开花更早。早花品种的固氮不受与黑麦混合的影响。然而,2009年,俄勒冈州的单种栽培固氮率低于混合栽培。紫色赏金和紫色繁荣期的开花早于俄勒冈州,具有相当的存活率,并且固氮水平相同或更高。尽管开花时间不同,但修剪后毛of子的再生长没有差异。甜玉米的产量或质量也没有任何差异。这些结果表明,相对于v菜单一栽培,黑麦-菜混合物可提高越冬存活率,加速开花并增加固氮能力。可以利用在开花时间,固氮和对双培养的反应中观察到的品种差异来优化农业生态系统中的覆盖作物利用。



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