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Selection of Different Reactive Sites by Enantiomers in Electron-Transfer Reactions Involving Metalloproteins


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The identification of the exact site of attack in electron-transfer reactions involving metalloproteins has been the object of many studies. In the case of plastocyanm (PcCu~(11)) two sites have been identified, the "adjacent site" near the copper center and the "remote site" located near a negative patch of the protein, some 16 A away from the copper center. Negatively charged or neutral metal complexes are thought to react exclusively at the hydrophobic adjacent site, whereas positiveh charged reagents can react at both the adjacent and or the remote site. In the latter case the neighboring Tyr83 probabix intervenes in the electron transfer pathway. In order to obtain more detailed information on the location of the attack of electron-transfer reagents, we used optically active metal complexes, our aim being the detection of chiral recognition by means of kinetic stereoselectivitv.
机译:在涉及金属蛋白的电子转移反应中,确切攻击部位的鉴定一直是许多研究的目的。对于质体蓝素(PcCu〜(11)),已经确定了两个位点,铜中心附近的“相邻位点”和蛋白质负片附近的“远程位点”,距铜中心约16A。 。带负电或中性的金属络合物被认为仅在疏水性相邻位点反应,而带正电的试剂可以在相邻位点或远端位点反应。在后一种情况下,相邻的Tyr83概率干预电子转移途径。为了获得有关电子转移试剂攻击位置的更多详细信息,我们使用了光学活性金属配合物,我们的目的是通过动力学立体选择检测手性识别。



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