首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene structure and expression >The interaction of plasmid DNA with polyamidoamine dendrimers: mechanism of complex formation and analysis of alterations induced in nuclease sensitivity and transcriptional activity of the complexed DNA

The interaction of plasmid DNA with polyamidoamine dendrimers: mechanism of complex formation and analysis of alterations induced in nuclease sensitivity and transcriptional activity of the complexed DNA


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The application of synthetic vectors for gene transfer has potential advantages over virus-based systems. However, little is known about the mechanisms involved in binding of synthetic materials to DNA and the nature of the DNA complexes that result from this interaction. Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers are unique polymers with defined spherical structure. Dendrimers bind DNA to form complexes that efficiently transfect cells in vitro. We examined the formation of DNA/dendrimer complexes and found it based entirely on charge interaction. Electronmicroscopic examination of the complexes indicated that the majority of the plasmid DNA is contracted into isolated toroids, but also revealed larger, irregular aggregates of polymer and DNA. The binding of plasmid DNA to dendrimer appears to alter the secondary and tertiary structure, but does not fragment the DNA or alter its primary structure. Complexed DNA is protected against degradation by either specific nucleases or cellular extracts containing nuclease activity. While the initiation of transcription in vitro from promoters (for either T7 polymerase or eukaryotic RNA polymerase II) in dendrimer-complexed DNA is inhibited, elongation of the RNA transcript and translation do not appear to be affected. These resemble alterations of the DNA function when complexed with naturally-occurring polycations like non-acetylated histones. However, DNA complexed to dendrimer appears to maintain transcriptional activity while histone complexes at similar charge ratios do not. These results elucidate some aspects of the interaction between PAMAM dendritic polymers and DNA, and could lead to improvements in the design of polymers or formation of DNA complexes that will increase the efficiency of non-viral gene transfer.
机译:与基于病毒的系统相比,将合成载体用于基因转移具有潜在的优势。但是,关于合成材料与DNA结合的机制以及这种相互作用所产生的DNA复合物的性质知之甚少。聚酰胺基胺(PAMAM)树状聚合物是具有定义的球形结构的独特聚合物。树状聚合物与DNA结合形成复合物,可在体外有效转染细胞。我们检查了DNA /树状聚合物复合物的形成,发现它完全基于电荷相互作用。配合物的电子显微镜检查表明,大多数质粒DNA收缩成分离的环面,但也显示出较大的,不规则的聚合物和DNA聚集体。质粒DNA与树状聚合物的结合似乎改变了二级和三级结构,但没有使DNA断裂或改变其一级结构。特定的核酸酶或含有核酸酶活性的细胞提取物可保护复合的DNA免受降解。虽然树状大分子复合DNA中启动子(对于T7聚合酶或真核RNA聚合酶II)的启动子体外转录的启动受到抑制,但RNA转录本的延伸和翻译似乎并未受到影响。当与天然存在的聚阳离子(如未乙酰化的组蛋白)复合时,这些类似于DNA功能的改变。但是,与树状大分子复合的DNA似乎可以维持转录活性,而相似电荷比的组蛋白复合物则不能。这些结果阐明了PAMAM树突状聚合物与DNA之间相互作用的某些方面,并可能导致聚合物设计的改进或DNA复合物的形成,这将提高非病毒基因转移的效率。



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