首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Saliva and other taste stimuli are important for gustatory processing of linoleic acid.

Saliva and other taste stimuli are important for gustatory processing of linoleic acid.


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Paradoxically, bilateral transection of the chorda tympani nerve (CTX) raises the taste discrimination threshold for the free fatty acid, linoleic acid (LA), yet the chorda tympani nerve (CT) is unresponsive to lingual application of LA alone. LA may require a background of saliva to activate taste cells, since CTX decreases saliva production through denervation of the submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands. To assess the role of saliva, we measured LA taste discrimination thresholds for animals whose submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands were removed and also recorded CT responses to LA mixed in artificial saliva. Partial desalivation shifted LA discrimination thresholds from between 5.5 and 11 microM to between 11 and 22 microM. However, this effect was not as pronounced as previously seen with CTX animals. Surprisingly, the CT was unresponsive to LA mixed with artificial saliva, suggesting that artificial saliva may lack components necessary for LA taste. Additionally, fats may primarily enhance other tastes. We previously reported that LA increases CT responses to monosodium glutamate (MSG). Thus we also recorded CT whole nerve responses to taste mixtures of LA and sodium chloride (NaCl), sucrose (SUC), citric acid (CA), or quinine hydrochloride (QHCl) in anesthetized rats. We found that LA increased CT responses to NaCl but did not alter CT responses to SUC, CA, and QHCl. Thus CT recordings either lack the sensitivity to detect small changes to SUC, CA, and QHCl or LA may affect CT responses to MSG and NaCl only, perhaps by specifically modulating gustatory processing of Na(+).
机译:矛盾的是,Chorda Tympani神经(CTX)的双侧横向转化为游离脂肪酸,亚油酸(La)引起了味道辨别阈值,但Chorda Tympani神经(CT)对单独的La舌术无响应。 La可能需要唾液的背景来激活味道细胞,因为CTX通过去除亚夏和舌下唾液腺来降低唾液产生。为了评估唾液的作用,我们测得针对亚夏和舌下唾液腺的动物的动物辨别阈值,并记录了对人工唾液中混合的La的CT反应。部分脱落偏移将La辨别阈值从5.5至11微米之间移至11到22微米之间。然而,这种效果不是如前用CTX动物看到的那样发音。令人惊讶的是,CT对与人工唾液混合的La没有响应,表明人造唾液可能缺乏洛杉矶味道所需的组分。此外,脂肪可能主要增强其他品味。我们之前报道,LA增加了对谷氨酸单钠(MSG)的CT反应。因此,我们还记录了CT全神经反应,以在麻醉大鼠中味道味道和氯化钠(NaCl),蔗糖(Suc),柠檬酸(Ca)或奎宁盐酸盐(QHCl)的混合物。我们发现La增加了对NaCl的CT反应,但没有改变CT对Suc,CA和QHCL的反应。因此,CT记录缺乏对Suc,Ca和QHCl或La进行少量变化的敏感性,可能仅影响对MSG和NaCl的CT反应,也许是特别调节Na(+)的味觉处理。



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