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MIRRIG: a decision support system for design and evaluation of microirrigation systems.


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The decision support system (DSS) MIRRIG has been developed to support the design of microirrigation systems and to advise farmers as a result of field evaluations. It is written in Visual Basic 6.0, runs in a Windows environment, and uses a database with information on emitters and pipes available in the market, as well as on crops, soils and the systems under design. MIRRIG is composed by design and simulation models and a multicriteria analysis model that ranks alternative design solutions based upon an integration of technical, economic and environmental criteria. User friendly windows are adopted for handling the databases and to manage the sub-models. The model allows creating and comparing a set of design alternatives relative to the pipe system and the emitters, either drip or microsprinkling emitters. For each alternative, the pipe system is sized and the irrigation system is simulated to produce performance, environmental and economic indicators. These include uniformity of water application, potential for contamination with agrochemicals due to water percolation, and installation and operation costs. Those indicators are used as attributes of the selected criteria. All alternatives are then compared and ranked through multicriteria analysis where the weights giving the relative importance of the adopted criteria are defined by the user. These procedures allow selecting the best design alternative and solving the complexities involved in the design of microirrigation systems. The model is available from the website www://ceer.isa.utl.pt/cms or by contacting cpedras@ualg.pt.
机译:决策支持系统(DSS)MIRRIG的开发旨在支持微灌溉系统的设计,并通过田间评估为农民提供建议。它用Visual Basic 6.0编写,在Windows环境中运行,并使用一个数据库,其中包含有关市场上可用的发射器和管道以及有关作物,土壤和正在设计的系统的信息。 MIRRIG由设计和仿真模型以及一个多准则分析模型组成,该模型基于技术,经济和环境准则的集成对替代设计解决方案进行排名。采用用户友好的窗口来处理数据库和管理子模型。该模型允许创建和比较一组相对于管道系统和滴头或滴水头的设计方案。对于每种替代方案,均需确定管道系统的尺寸并模拟灌溉系统以产生性能,环境和经济指标。这些包括水的均匀施用,由于水的渗透而导致农药污染的潜在可能性以及安装和运营成本。这些指示符用作所选条件的属性。然后,通过多标准分析比较所有备选方案并对其进行排名,其中由用户定义给出所采用标准的相对重要性的权重。这些程序允许选择最佳的设计替代方案,并解决微灌溉系统设计中涉及的复杂问题。可从以下网站获得该模型:www.ceer.isa.utl.pt/cms或联系cpedras@ualg.pt。



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