首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Systems >A selection of papers presented at the international symposium on SUstainable resource MAnagement and POlicy options for rice ecosystems (SUMPOL 2005), Hangzhou, China, 11-14 May 2005.

A selection of papers presented at the international symposium on SUstainable resource MAnagement and POlicy options for rice ecosystems (SUMPOL 2005), Hangzhou, China, 11-14 May 2005.

机译:于2005年5月11日至14日在中国杭州举行的国际稻米生态系统可持续资源管理与政策选择国际研讨会上发表的论文选集(SUMPOL 2005)。



This special section includes 9 papers from the SUMPOL 2005 symposium. At this symposium, methodologies and their applications were presented for exploring and identifying current and emerging issues in rice-based agro-ecosystems. The emphasis of both scientific approaches and illustrative case studies is on responding to the challenge to address the diverse resource use problems, the multi-scale dimensions of land use decisions and the necessity of joint learning in improved ecosystem management and policy formulation. The focus is on technology and policy options for rice ecosystems that need to cope with rapid urbanization, and the associated strong intensification and diversification of the agricultural sector in Asia, against a background of global and regional economic and technological developments.
机译:本节包含SUMPOL 2005研讨会的9篇论文。在本次研讨会上,介绍了用于探索和确定基于水稻的农业生态系统中当前和正在出现的问题的方法及其应用。科学方法和说明性案例研究的重点都在于应对挑战,以解决各种资源使用问题,土地使用决策的多尺度范围以及在改善生态系统管理和政策制定中开展联合学习的必要性。在全球和区域经济和技术发展的背景下,重点是需要应对快速城市化的水稻生态系统的技术和政策选择,以及亚洲农业部门的相关集约化和多样化。



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