首页> 外文期刊>Anesthesiology >Suppression of shivering during hypothermia using a novel drug combination in healthy volunteers.

Suppression of shivering during hypothermia using a novel drug combination in healthy volunteers.


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BACKGROUND: Hypothermia may be beneficial in stroke victims; however, it provokes vigorous shivering. Buspirone and dexmedetomidine each linearly reduce the shivering threshold with minimal sedation and no respiratory depression. This study tested the hypotheses that the combination of buspirone and dexmedetomidine would (1) synergistically reduce the shivering threshold, (2) synergistically reduce the gain and maximum intensity of shivering, and (3) produce sufficient inhibition to permit cooling to 34 degrees C without excessive hypotension or sedation. METHODS: Eight healthy men were randomly assigned on 4 days to (1) no drug, (2) buspirone (60 mg orally), (3) dexmedetomidine (intravenous infusion to target plasma concentration of 0.6 ng/ml), or (4) combination of buspirone and dexmedetomidine at same doses. Lactated Ringer's solution (approximately 3 degrees C) was infused intravenously to decrease tympanic membrane temperature by 1.5 degrees C/h. Shivering threshold was defined as an increase in oxygen consumption greater than 20%. Sedation was evaluated using the Observer's Assessment of Sedation/Alertness scale. RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure and heart rate were slightly lower on dexmedetomidine and combination days. Likewise, the level of sedation was statistically different on these 2 days but clinically unimportant. Buspirone reduced the shivering threshold from 36.6 degrees C +/- 0.4 degrees C to 35.9 degrees C +/- 0.4 degrees C, dexmedetomidine reduced it to 34.7 degrees C +/- 0.5 degrees C, and the combination to 34.1 +/- 0.4 degrees C. The interaction effect of 0.04 degrees C was not significant. The gain of shivering and maximum shivering intensity were similar on each day. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of buspirone and dexmedetomidine additively reduced the shivering threshold. Thus, supplementing dexmedetomidine with buspirone blocks shivering and causes only minimal sedation.
机译:背景:体温过低可能对中风患者有益。但是,这激起了人们的颤抖。丁螺环酮和右美托咪定各自线性地降低了颤抖的阈值,而镇静作用最小且无呼吸抑制。这项研究检验了以下假设:丁螺环酮和右美托咪定的组合将(1)协同降低颤抖阈值,(2)协同降低颤抖的增益和最大强度,并且(3)产生足够的抑制作用以允许冷却至34摄氏度而无需低血压或镇静过度。方法:8名健康男性在4天后被随机分配到(1)无药物,(2)丁螺环酮(口服60 mg),(3)右美托咪定(静脉输注至目标血浆浓度为0.6 ng / ml)或(4)剂量相同的丁螺环酮和右美托咪定的组合。静脉注射乳酸林格氏液(约3摄氏度),以使鼓膜温度降低1.5摄氏度/小时。发抖的阈值定义为耗氧量增加大于20%。使用观察者的镇静/警戒评估量表评估镇静。结果:右美托咪定和联合用药日的平均动脉压和心率略低。同样,这两天的镇静水平在统计学上也不同,但在临床上并不重要。丁螺环酮将颤抖阈值从36.6°C +/- 0.4°C降低到35.9°C +/- 0.4°C,右美托咪定将其降低到34.7°C +/- 0.5°C,组合降低到34.1°C +/- 0.4°C C. 0.04°C的交互作用不明显。每天的颤抖增益和最大颤抖强度相似。结论:丁螺环酮和右美托咪定的组合可降低发抖阈值。因此,用丁螺环酮补充右美托咪定可抑制发抖,并且仅引起最小的镇静作用。



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