首页> 外文期刊>Anesthesia and Analgesia: Journal of the International Anesthesia Research Society >Pro: The Food and Drug Administration Black box warning on droperidol is not justified.

Pro: The Food and Drug Administration Black box warning on droperidol is not justified.


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Droperidol is a cost-effective antiemetic that has been used extensively in anesthetic practice. IV doses of 0.625-1.25 mg have been recommended as first-line therapy for the prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV).1'2 However, in December 2001, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a new black box warning due to the potential for serious proarrhythmic effects, and even death, after the administration of droperidol. The FDA noted that cases of QT prolongation and/or torsades de pointes (TdP) were reported, even when doses less than the 2,5 mg labeled dose of droperidol were used. The warning was based on 273 cases reported over a 4-yr period. A possible cardiac event occurred in 74 cases. There were 89 deaths reported, but the dose of droperidol was 2 5 mg or less in only two deaths. The majority of deaths involved droperidol doses that ranged from 25 to 250 mg Five patients receiving droperidol 2,5 mg or less experienced either ventricular tachycardia or TdP.3 Furthermore, of all the cases reported, cardiac adverse events or death occurred in 10 patients when the recommended 0.625-1.25 mg antiemetic doses of droperidol were used. Careful review of those cases did not reveal evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship.
机译:氟哌利多是一种经济有效的止吐药,已在麻醉实践中广泛使用。推荐静脉注射0.625-1.25 mg作为预防术后恶心和呕吐(PONV)的一线治疗。1'2然而,2001年12月,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)发布了新的黑色给予氟哌啶醇后可能引起严重的心律失常作用,甚至死亡,因此可能引起警告。 FDA指出,即使使用的剂量小于2,5 mg标记的氟哌啶剂量,也有QT延长和/或尖锐扭转性扭转(TdP)病例的报道。该警告基于4年内报告的273例案例。 74例可能发生心脏事件。据报道有89例死亡,但仅2例死亡中氟哌利多的剂量为2 5 mg或更少。大多数死亡涉及25至250 mg的氟哌利多剂量,五名接受2.5 mg或更低剂量的氟哌利多的患者出现室性心动过速或TdP。3此外,在所有报道的病例中,有10例患者发生心脏不良事件或死亡建议使用0.625-1.25 mg的止吐药氟哌利多。仔细审查这些案例并没有发现因果关系的证据。



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