首页> 外文期刊>Chemical engineering journal >Stochastic models based on the Monte Carlo method for the hydrolysis of oligogalacturonates and polygalacturonates by endopolygalacturonases and exopolygalacturonases

Stochastic models based on the Monte Carlo method for the hydrolysis of oligogalacturonates and polygalacturonates by endopolygalacturonases and exopolygalacturonases


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There has been a surge of interest in the establishment of citrus waste biorefineries. One strategy in such biorefineries would be to extract pectin and saccharify it enzymatically to produce D-galacturonic acid, which has potential as a platform chemical for the production of compounds of commercial interest, such as meso-galactaric acid and L-galactonic acid. A mathematical model of the hydrolysis of pectic substrates by the pool of enzymes present in pectinase preparations would be a useful tool for guiding the design and optimization of the saccharification process. Current deterministic models of this process are highly simplified and, as a result, are not useful tools. In the current manuscript, we develop stochastic models, based on the Monte Carlo method, to describe the action of two important enzymes found within pectinase preparations, namely endopolygalacturonases and exopolygalacturonases. Our work represents a first step towards the development of a complete model that integrates the action of the various enzymes present in pectinase preparations. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在建立柑橘废物生物档案中,兴趣兴趣。这种生物归物中的一种策略是酶促提取果胶并酶促酶活化以生产D-半乳糖醛酸,其具有作为生产商业利益化合物的平台化学品,例如中甲酰甲酸和L-乳酸酯。果胶酶制剂中存在的酶库水解的水解数学模型是引导糖化过程的设计和优化的有用工具。该过程的当前确定性模型非常简化,结果是不是有用的工具。在目前的稿件中,我们基于蒙特卡罗方法开发随机模型,以描述果胶酶制剂中发现的两个重要酶的作用,即外汇过量乳糖酶和外诊酶酶。我们的作品代表了发展完整模型的第一步,其整合果胶酶制剂中存在的各种酶的作用。 (c)2017 Elsevier B.v.保留所有权利。



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