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Effects of nitro compounds and feedstuffs on in vitro methane production in chicken cecal contents and rumen fluid.


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Short-chain volatile fatty acids (VFA) and methane are the products from a wide variety of microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract. The objective of this study was to examine effects of feedstuff and select nitro compounds on VFA and methane production during in vitro incubation of laying hen cecal contents and rumen fluid from cattle and sheep. In the first experiment, one of the three nitro compound was added to incubations containing cecal contents from laying hens supplemented with either alfalfa (AF) or layer feed (LF). Both feed material influenced VFA production and acetic acid was the primary component. Incubations with nitro ethanol and 2-nitropropanol (NP) had significantly (P<0.05) higher propionate concentrations than incubations with added nitroethane (NE). The results further indicated that incubations containing LF produced significantly (P<0.05) more butyrate than incubations with added AF. Addition of NP and LF to incubations of avian cecal flora may promote Gram-positive, saccharolytic, VFA-producing bacteria, especially Clostridium spp. which is the predominant group in ceca. Similar to VFA production, both feed materials fostered methane production in the incubations although methane was lower (P<0.05) in incubations with added nitro compound, particularly NE. In experiments 3-8, NE was examined in incubations of bovine or ovine rumen fluid or cecal contents containing either AF or LF. Unlike cecal contents, LF significantly (P<0.05) supported in vitro methane production in incubations of both rumen fluids. The results show that NE impedes methane production, especially in incubations of chicken cecal contents.
机译:短链挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)和甲烷是来自胃肠道中各种微生物的产物。这项研究的目的是在牛和绵羊的产卵盲肠内容物和瘤胃液体外培养过程中,检查饲料和选择硝基化合物对VFA和甲烷产生的影响。在第一个实验中,将三种硝基化合物中的一种添加到含有盲肠内容物的培养箱中,盲肠内容物来自补充了苜蓿(AF)或分层饲料(LF)的蛋鸡。两种进料都会影响VFA的产生,而乙酸是主要成分。与添加硝基乙烷(NE)孵育相比,与硝基乙醇和2-硝基丙醇(NP)孵育具有更高的丙酸酯浓度(P <0.05)。结果进一步表明,与添加AF的培养相比,含LF的培养产生的丁酸酯明显更多(P <0.05)。在禽盲肠菌群培养中添加NP和LF可能会促进革兰氏阳性,糖酵解,VFA产生细菌,尤其是梭状芽孢杆菌。这是ceca中的主要人群。类似于VFA的生产,两种进料在培养中都促进了甲烷的产生,尽管在添加硝基化合物(尤其是NE)的培养中甲烷含量较低(P <0.05)。在实验3-8中,在含有AF或LF的牛或绵羊瘤胃液或盲肠内容物的孵育中检查了NE。与盲肠含量不同,LF在两种瘤胃液的孵育中均显着支持(P <0.05)体外甲烷生成。结果表明,NE阻碍了甲烷的产生,特别是在孵化鸡盲肠内容物时。



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