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Estimating population size in Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosaislandica by colour-marking

机译:通过颜色标记估算黑尾黑尾God(Limosa limosaislandica)的种群数量

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Adult population size of the Icelandic race of Black-tailed Godwit was estimated at 37 500 individuals. To estimate the population size of the Icelandic race of Black-tailed Godwit and infer numbers wintering in areas where both the Icelandic and nominate races overlap. Adult population size was estimated using resightings of individually colour-ringed birds in spring staging flocks in Iceland. Winter distribution was assessed by comparing January counts to the population estimate, assuming 0.5 chicks per breeding pair to estimate the number of first-year birds and the resulting winter population size. The adult population size of the Icelandic race of Black-tailed Godwit was estimated at about 37 500 individuals (range 35 565-41 999) between 1999 and 2002. This gives an estimated winter population of about 47 000 individuals. From counts in wintering areas and the calculated population estimate, we estimate that about 15 000 Icelandic Black-tailed Godwits winter in areas where the races overlap (mostly in Portugal, Spain and Morocco) but the numbers in each country remain unknown. For species which can be fitted with conspicuous colour rings and for which a high proportion of individuals can be observed at particular times of year, mark-recapture methods can be very useful techniques to estimate the number of individuals of different races of birds wintering in the same areas.
机译:黑尾戈德威特人的冰岛种族的成年人口估计为37500人。要估算冰岛黑尾戈德威特人的种群数量,并推断冰岛人和提名人族重叠的地区越冬的人数。通过对冰岛春季分群中单个有色环鸟的回顾,估计了成年种群的大小。通过将一月份的计数与种群估计值进行比较来评估冬季分布,假设每个繁殖对中有0.5羽小鸡来估计第一年鸟类的数量和由此产生的冬季种群数量。在1999年至2002年之间,黑尾戈德威特人的冰岛种族的成年人口估计约为37 500人(范围35 565-41 999)。据估计,冬季人口约为47 000。根据越冬地区的数量和计算得出的人口估计,我们估计种族重叠的地区(主要在葡萄牙,西班牙和摩洛哥)大约有15,000例冰岛黑尾戈德威特人的冬天,但每个国家的数量仍然未知。对于可以装配显眼色环且在一年中的特定时间观察到很大比例个体的物种,标记重获方法可能是非常有用的技术,可用来估计在该季节越冬的不同种族的鸟类数量。同一地区。



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