首页> 外文期刊>American journal of otolaryngology >Endoscopic transcanal removal of symptomatic external auditory canal exostoses

Endoscopic transcanal removal of symptomatic external auditory canal exostoses


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Exostoses are bony outgrowths of the external auditory canal (EAC) that can lead to cerumen entrapment, recurrent infections, and conductive hearing loss. When surgical removal is indicated, a drill or osteotome may be used via a post-auricular, endaural, or transcanal approach. Studies suggest that exostoses removed by transcanal osteotome result in decreased morbidity when compared to open, drilled approaches; however, inadvertent injury to the facial nerve or inner ear is a theoretical concern given the restrictive geometry of the EAC and challenges of visualizing the tip of the chisel through the microscope. The endoscope provides superior visualization of the external auditory canal and tympanic membrane compared to the microscope. We sought to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of endoscopic exostosis surgery with an osteotome. We find that the endoscope provides improved wide angled views without blind spots. There were no intraoperative complications. Endoscopic canaloplasty for exostoses may be readily applied. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:外生蛋白是外耳道(EAC)的骨性长出物,可导致子宫包埋,反复感染和传导性听力损失。当需要手术切除时,可通过耳后,耳内或经管方式使用钻头或切骨刀。研究表明,与开放,钻孔的方法相比,经导管的骨凿切除的外生糖可降低发病率。然而,鉴于EAC的几何形状受限以及通过显微镜观察凿子尖端的挑战,对面神经或内耳的无意伤害是一个理论问题。与显微镜相比,内窥镜可提供出色的外耳道和鼓膜可视化效果。我们试图证明用骨凿术进行内窥镜骨外翻手术的有效性和安全性。我们发现内窥镜提供了改进的广角视图而没有盲点。没有术中并发症。内镜下输卵管吻合术可以很容易地应用。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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