首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Ophthalmology: The International Journal of Ophthalmology >Reduction of anterior chamber contamination rate after cataract surgery by intraoperative surface irrigation with 0.25% povidone-iodine.

Reduction of anterior chamber contamination rate after cataract surgery by intraoperative surface irrigation with 0.25% povidone-iodine.


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WE READ WITH GREAT INTEREST THE ARTICLE "REDUCTION of anterior chamber contamination rate after cataract surgery by intraoperative surface irrigation with 0.25% povidone-iodine," by Shimada and associates. We congratulate the authors for an excellent article highlighting a simple and novel method by which repeated irrigation of the operative field with povidone-iodine at a concentration of 0.25% achieved an extremely low bacterial contamination rate in the anterior chamber at the completion of phacoemulsifica-tion surgery. Techniques to achieve this include preparing the skin with povidone-iodine 10% or 5%, preparing the conjunctiva with povidone-iodine 5% or 1%, and using preop-erative topical antibiotic agents. We use topical moxifloxacin 0.5%, 4 times a day 3 days before the surgery, and 15 minutes before the surgery we instill a drop of 2.5% povidone-iodine into the conjunctival cul de sac. We implemented the methodology of Shimada and associates of diluting povidone-iodine to 0.25% with physiologic saline on the day of surgery and irrigating the operative field before and after phacoemulsification and intraoperatively every 20 seconds. Intraoperatively, diffuse punctuate keratopathy occurred in 8 out of 10 patients. One patient developed a large corneal epithelial defect. Though the view became hazy because of corneal haze during the surgery, the surgeon was able to complete all the surgeries. On the first postoperative day the superficial punctuate keratopathy and the corneal epithelial defect had resolved. The methodology of dilution from 5% to 0.25% povidone-iodine was rechecked, with no error noted. It was decided to continue irrigating the operative field with 0.25% povidone-iodine with care taken to avoid spillage over the cornea. With this amended procedure, no corneal epithelial abnormalities were noted intraoperatively. A study conducted by Jiang and associates has shown grade 1 corneal epithelial damage in a rabbit model with repeated usage of 0.5%...
机译:我们读了很多有趣的文章,由Shimada及其同事撰写:“通过术中使用0.25%聚维酮碘进行表面冲洗,降低白内障手术后的前房污染率”。我们祝贺作者发表了一篇出色的文章,重点介绍了一种简单而新颖的方法,通过该方法,在完成白内障超声乳化术时,用0.25%的聚维酮碘重复冲洗手术区域可实现前房极低的细菌污染率。手术。实现此目的的技术包括用10%或5%的聚维酮碘制备皮肤,用5%或1%的聚维酮碘制备结膜,以及使用术前局部应用抗生素治疗。我们在手术前3天每天3次,每天4次,在手术前15分钟每天使用0.5%的莫西沙星,将2.5%的聚维酮碘滴入结膜囊中。我们采用了Shimada的方法,并在手术当天用生理盐水将聚维酮碘稀释至0.25%,并在超声乳化术前后以及术中每20秒冲洗一次手术区域。术中,每10例患者中就有8例发生弥散性点状角膜病变。一名患者出现了大的角膜上皮缺损。尽管由于手术过程中角膜混浊而使视野变得朦胧,但外科医生还是能够完成所有手术。在术后的第一天,浅表的点状角膜病和角膜上皮缺损已解决。重新检查了从5%至0.25%聚维酮碘稀释的方法,没有发现错误。决定继续用0.25%聚维酮碘冲洗手术区域,并注意避免溢出角膜。通过该修正程序,术中未发现角膜上皮异常。 Jiang和同事进行的一项研究表明,兔子模型中1级角膜上皮损伤的重复使用率为0.5%...



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