首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Relation of Children's Dietary reporting accuracy to cognitive ability.

Relation of Children's Dietary reporting accuracy to cognitive ability.


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A validation study of children's dietary reporting provided an opportunity to investigate whether cognitive ability is a source of systematic error in dietary recalls. From the fall of 2004 through the spring of 2007, fourth-grade children (n = 374) in Columbia, South Carolina, were observed eating school meals and interviewed to obtain 24-hour dietary recalls; subsequently, measures of dietary reporting error were calculated. The common factor extracted from 4 subject-area achievement tests (scores on which were provided by the school district for 362 children) was used as a measure of cognitive ability. For the 325 children who reported school meals that met the criteria to be reports about school meals, as cognitive ability increased, dietary reporting error decreased; the relation between cognitive ability and dietary reporting performance was stronger among girls than among boys. The mean cognitive ability for 37 children who reported no meals that satisfied the criteria for being reports about school meals was significantly lower than that for the 325 children who reported meals that satisfied these criteria. These findings indicate that cognitive ability is a source of systematic error in children's dietary recalls. More generally, the quality of epidemiologic survey data may depend systematically on the cognitive ability of respondents.
机译:对儿童饮食报告的验证研究为调查认知能力是否是饮食召回中系统错误的来源提供了机会。从2004年秋天到2007年春季,观察到南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚市的四年级儿童(n = 374)吃学校餐,并接受了访谈,以获取24小时的饮食召回。随后,计算了饮食报告错误的度量。从4个主题领域成就测验(学区为362名儿童提供的分数)中提取的公因子用作认知能力的量度。对于325名报告学校进餐的儿童,他们符合报告关于学校进餐的标准,随着认知能力的提高,饮食报告错误减少;女孩的认知能力与饮食报告表现之间的关系比男孩强。 37名未进餐的儿童的平均认知能力明显低于报告有关学校进餐的标准的325名儿童的平均认知能力明显低于325名进餐的儿童。这些发现表明认知能力是儿童饮食召回中系统错误的来源。更一般而言,流行病学调查数据的质量可能系统地取决于受访者的认知能力。



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