首页> 外文期刊>海洋と生物 >大阪湾におけるスナメリの調査 活動について

大阪湾におけるスナメリの調査 活動について


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I started a finless porpoise research activity of the Gulf of Osaka that was the habitation sea area of the finless porpoise in September, 2009 in Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan. The investigation method is 1, visual investigation 2, sound investigation 3, witness intelligence. In these investigations, the witness head count from September, 2009 to June, 2013 identified 334 of them. In the sound investigation, I used cause of the cooperation of Akamatsu of the independent corporation fisheries synthesis research center fisheries engineering place, towing-type A-tag with the ship and went. The confirmation of the individual which I cannot discover is possible by the viewing and, from the analysis of recording data, can catch a finless porpoise under the visual impossible situation by the bad weather clearly. It just started and there is little information, but it continues and, in the intelligence, is going to carry out intelligence positively. This report included the use machine parts based on research activity that this Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan in the Gulf of Osaka carried out so far and method and result and it.



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