首页> 外文期刊>Bird Study >Distributions of the subspecies of Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus in sub-Saharan Africa

Distributions of the subspecies of Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus in sub-Saharan Africa


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Capsule The wintering area of the nominate subspecies of Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus fuscus is from Ethiopia across Uganda and the Congo basin to the Atlantic, while L. f. intermedius and L. f. graellsii winter in westernmost Africa.Aims To clarify the wintering distributions of the subspecies of Lesser Black-backed Gulls.Methods We compiled, mapped, and analysed available data on ring recoveries ( 269) and verified museum specimens (22) from south of latitude 25 degrees N.Results The wintering area of L. f. fuscus that is described in standard reference literature (East Africa) is incorrect; more rings have been recovered in the Congo basin and along the Atlantic coast than on the eastern seaboard. L. f. intermedius and L. f. graellsii winter mainly in westernmost Africa with some ring recoveries south and east of Senegal. There are no verifiable finds of the latter two subspecies south of the equator. Ring recoveries suggest leapfrog migration.Conclusions We have updated the distribution of L. f. fuscus, L. f. intermedius and L. f. graellsii in sub-Saharan Africa and found it to be different from previous authorities. We hypothesize that climate change will have a larger effect on the distributions of L. f. intermedius and L. f. graellsii than on L. f. fuscus in this region.
机译:荚膜小黑背鸥鸥(Lus fuscus fuscus fuscus)的主要亚种的越冬区域是从埃塞俄比亚横穿乌干达和刚果盆地再到大西洋,而L. f。。 intermedius和L.目的是弄清小黑背海鸥亚种的越冬分布。方法我们收集,绘制和分析了环回采收率(269)的可用数据,并验证了北纬25以南的博物馆标本(22)。结果:L. f。的越冬面积。标准参考文献(东非)中描述的不正确;在刚果盆地和大西洋沿岸发现的环比东部沿海多。如果。 intermedius和L. graellsii冬季主要发生在非洲最西部,塞内加尔以南和以东有一些环回。在赤道以南的后两个亚种没有可验证的发现。环的回收表明有跨越性的迁移。结论我们更新了L. f。的分布。富斯湖intermedius和L.撒哈拉以南非洲的graellsii,发现它与以前的当局不同。我们假设气候变化将对L. f。的分布产生更大的影响。 intermedius和L. graellsii比L. f。在这个地区的红us。



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