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Ornithogalum pendens (Hyacinthaceae), a new cliff-dwelling succulent from the Northern Cape (South Africa)


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Ornithogalum pendens Van Jaarsv. from sheer rock-faces north-west of Springbok in the Northern Cape is described. The bulbous genus Ornithogalum L. (in a narrow sense) consists of 200 species of which about 108 are confined to South Africa and in particular to the Cape Flo-ristic Region (Obermeyer 1978; Manning & Goldblatt 2003). Recent field studies on cliffs associated with dry river val-leys have revealed several members of Ornithogalum new to science (Van Jaarsveld & Van Wyk 1999, 2003; Van Jaarsveld 2003), including a new summer-dormant species. The new species described in the present paper belongs to subgenus Aspasia, a group found mairily in the winter-rainfall, semi-arid regions of Namaqualand. This group is characterised by their leafy, cymbiform bracts and a style as long as or shorter than the ovary (Obermeyer 1978). Or-nithogalum pendens appears to be an obligate cremnophyte and is only known from sheer cliffs along the Skaaprivier in Namaqualand. Plants grow in rock crevices and leaves become pendent with age.
机译:虎眼万年青。从北开普省Springbok西北的纯净岩壁进行了描述。球茎类万年青属(狭义)由200种组成,其中约108种局限于南非,特别是开普弗洛里斯角地区(Obermeyer 1978; Manning&Goldblatt 2003)。最近对与干旱河谷相关的悬崖进行的野外研究表明,科学的万年青有数个万年青成员(Van Jaarsveld&Van Wyk 1999,2003; Van Jaarsveld 2003),包括一个新的夏季休眠物种。本论文中描述的新物种属于亚斯帕亚亚属,该亚斯亚亚亚是在纳马夸兰(Namaqualand)的冬季降雨,半干旱地区多产的一种。该群体的特征是它们的叶状,bi形form片,花柱长或短于子房(Obermeyer 1978)。八角兰似乎是专性的苔藓植物,仅在纳马夸兰(Namaqualand)斯卡普里维耶(Skaaprivier)的陡峭悬崖上才知道。植物生长在岩石的缝隙中,叶子随着年龄的增长而下降。



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