首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Effects of dobutamine on left ventricular restoring forces.

Effects of dobutamine on left ventricular restoring forces.


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Restoring forces, which are generated when the left ventricle contracts below its equilibrium volume (Veq), are responsible for diastolic suction. Their magnitude is inversely related to end-systolic volume (ESV). In previous studies in which the mitral valve was replaced with a prosthesis, increased contractility was shown to augment restoring forces independently of ESV. In the present study, we quantified restoring forces in the presence of an intact mitral valve in open-chest dogs (n = 6) as the fully relaxed pressure (FRP) after completion of left ventricular pressure (LVP) fall during nonfilling diastoles produced by a servomotor system that clamped left atrial pressure below LVP. A negative FRP indicated a restoring force was present. We related FRP to ESV during control, intravenous, and left anterior descending coronary artery (intracoronary) administration of dobutamine. With intravenous dobutamine, we observed an approximately parallel downward and rightward shift of the FRP-ESV relation, indicating increased restoring forces at any ESV less than Veq. The downward shift averaged -2.6 +/- 1.6 (SD) mmHg at the control Veq. A similar shift occurred with intracoronary dobutamine. In additional experiments (n = 2), we found that over a common range of ESV dobutamine slightly increased wall thickness (<10%) during nonfilling diastoles, consistent with an increase in coronary blood volume. We conclude that dobutamine increases restoring forces independently of changes in ESV in conjunction with an increase in Veq. This effect may partly be related to increased coronary blood volume.
机译:当左心室收缩至其平衡体积(Veq)以下时产生的恢复力可引起舒张期吸力。它们的大小与收缩末期容积(ESV)成反比。在以前的研究中,二尖瓣被假体代替,收缩力的增加显示了独立于ESV的恢复力。在本研究中,我们定量分析了在开胸的犬(n = 6)中存在完整的二尖瓣的情况下的恢复力,这是由于左室压力(LVP)的完成导致左室压力(LVP)下降而导致的完全松弛压力(FRP)下降,将左心房压力钳制在LVP以下的伺服电机系统。 FRP负值表示存在恢复力。我们在对照组,静脉内和左前降支冠状动脉(冠状动脉内)施用多巴酚丁胺期间将FRP与ESV相关联。对于静脉注射多巴酚丁胺,我们观察到FRP-ESV关系大致平行向下和向右移动,表明在任何小于Veq的ESV处恢复力都增加了。在控制Veq下,平均下移为-2.6 +/- 1.6(SD)mmHg。冠状动脉内多巴酚丁胺也发生了类似的变化。在其他实验(n = 2)中,我们发现在不填充透析液的整个范围内,ESV多巴酚丁胺的壁厚略有增加(<10%),与冠状动脉血容量增加一致。我们得出的结论是,多巴酚丁胺增加恢复力与ESV的变化无关,并伴随Veq的增加。这种作用可能部分与冠状动脉血容量增加有关。



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