首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Functional activity of epidermal growth factor receptors in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease.

Functional activity of epidermal growth factor receptors in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease.


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Evidence from a number of laboratories suggests a potential role for the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-transforming growth factor-alpha-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) axis in promoting epithelial hyperplasia and cyst formation in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD). As previously reported, in the C57BL-6Jcpk/cpk (CPK), BALB/c-bpk/bpk (BPK), and C3H-orpk/orpk (ORPK) murine models of ARPKD, as well as in human ARPKD and human ADPKD, the EGF-R is mislocated to the apical surface of cystic collecting tubule (CT) epithelial cells. The present studies demonstrate that cells from cystic and control CTs can be isolated and that these cells maintain their in vivo EGF-R phenotype in vitro. Domain-specific high-affinity ligand binding was assessed by standard Scatchard analysis, and selective ligand stimulation of apical vs. basolateral EGF-R in these cells was followed by measurement of receptor autophosphorylation and determination of cell proliferation. These studies demonstrate that in vitro apically expressed EGF-Rs exhibit high-affinity binding for EGF, autophosphorylate in response to EGF, and transmit a mitogenic signal when stimulated by the appropriate ligand.
机译:来自许多实验室的证据表明,表皮生长因子(EGF)-转化生长因子-α-表皮生长因子受体(EGF-R)轴在促进常染色体隐性多囊肾病(ARPKD)中的上皮增生和囊肿形成中具有潜在作用)。如先前的报道,在AR57D的C57BL-6Jcpk / cpk(CPK),BALB / c-bpk / bpk(BPK)和C3H-orpk / orpk(ORPK)小鼠模型中,以及在人ARPKD和人ADPKD中, EGF-R错位到囊性收集小管(CT)上皮细胞的顶表面。本研究表明,可以分离来自囊性和对照CT的细胞,并且这些细胞在体外保持其体内EGF-R表型。通过标准Scatchard分析评估结构域特异性高亲和力配体结合,并在这些细胞中选择性刺激顶基与基底外侧EGF-R进行配体刺激,然后测量受体自身磷酸化并确定细胞增殖。这些研究表明,体外顶端表达的EGF-R对EGF表现出高亲和力结合,对EGF产生自磷酸化,并在受到适当配体刺激时传递有丝分裂信号。



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