首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Indomethacin increases susceptibility to injury in human gastric cells independent of PG synthesis inhibition.

Indomethacin increases susceptibility to injury in human gastric cells independent of PG synthesis inhibition.


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Indomethacin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used to indirectly deduce the possible role of PGs in a process being studied. The objective of this study was to determine if indomethacin, at concentrations comparable to plasma and tissue levels obtained in humans taking therapeutic doses, predisposes human gastric cells to injury through inhibition of PGs or acts through an alternate mechanism. The role of intracellular Ca2+ in this damaging process was also assessed. Indomethacin pretreatment, although by itself nondamaging, was associated with elevated intracellular Ca2+ concentrations and an increased cellular permeability, an effect that was dependent on extracellular Ca2+. Furthermore, indomethacin pretreatment significantly predisposed AGS cells to injury induced by two dissimilar agents (deoxycholate and A-23187), both of which are associated with intracellular Ca2+ accumulation. The addition of exogenous PGs did not reverse the predisposition to injury induced by indomethacin. The observed effects of indomethacin were dependent on concentration and not on ability to inhibit PG synthesis. Similar effects were not observed with equipotent concentrations of ibuprofen or aspirin. Finally, the exacerbation of deoxycholate-induced injury induced by indomethacin was not observed when extracellular Ca2+ was removed. Indomethacin, by disturbing intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis, predisposes human gastric cells to injury through mechanisms independent of PG synthesis. The current study suggests that data resulting from studies employing only indomethacin as a PG synthesis inhibitor should be interpreted with caution.
机译:消炎痛和其他非甾体抗炎药通常用于间接推论PG在所研究过程中的可能作用。这项研究的目的是确定吲哚美辛的浓度是否与服用治疗剂量的人血浆和组织水平相当,是通过抑制PGs或通过其他机制使人胃细胞受到伤害。还评估了细胞内Ca2 +在此破坏过程中的作用。消炎痛预处理虽然本身不​​会造成损害,但与细胞内Ca2 +浓度升高和细胞通透性增加相关,这种作用取决于细胞外Ca2 +。此外,消炎痛预处理显着使AGS细胞容易受到两种不同试剂(脱氧胆酸盐和A-23187)诱导的损伤,这两种试剂均与细胞内Ca2 +积累有关。添加外源性PG并不能逆转吲哚美辛诱导的损伤。消炎痛的观察效果取决于浓度,而不取决于抑制PG合成的能力。当均等浓度的布洛芬或阿司匹林未观察到类似效果。最后,当去除细胞外Ca 2+时,未观察到吲哚美辛诱导的脱氧胆酸盐诱导的损伤加重。吲哚美辛通过干扰细胞内Ca2 +稳态,通过独立于PG合成的机制使人胃细胞易受伤害。当前的研究表明,仅使用消炎痛作为PG合成抑制剂的研究得出的数据应谨慎解释。



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