首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Carl J. Wiggers and the pulmonary circulation: a young man in search of excellence.

Carl J. Wiggers and the pulmonary circulation: a young man in search of excellence.

机译:卡尔·维格斯(Carl J. Wiggers)和肺循环:一个追求卓越的年轻人。

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Oddly, Carl Wiggers (1883-1962), who is remembered for his work on the systemic circulation, may be considered the "American father of the pulmonary circulation." In nearly-20 papers published in the American Journal of Physiology between 1909 and 1925, he reported the first reliable pressure contours in the pulmonary artery, inquired into the relationship between respiration and pulmonary arterial pressure, examined right atrial and right ventricular function, and demonstrated how right and left heart dynamics relate to heart sounds. He also stimulated direct visualization of the lung microcirculation. Method and concept are inextricably linked in the progress of science. His contributions to the pulmonary circulation were based on his high-fidelity pressure and sound recording instruments, which he ultimately applied in the left heart. Wiggers' search for excellence in method brought him well-deserved fame in the systemic circulation, but the search began in the lung.
机译:奇怪的是,卡尔·威格斯(Carl Wiggers,1883-1962年)因其在系统性循环方面的工作而被人们铭记,可被视为“美国肺循环之父”。在1909年至1925年间发表在《美国生理学杂志》上的近20篇论文中,他报告了肺动脉中第一个可靠的压力轮廓,询问了呼吸与肺动脉压之间的关系,检查了右心房和右心室功能,并证明了左右心脏动态与心音之间的关系。他还刺激了肺微循环的直接可视化。方法和概念在科学的进步中有着千丝万缕的联系。他对肺循环的贡献是基于他的高保真压力和录音设备,最终将其应用于左心。威格斯追求卓越的方法为他带来了当之无愧的全身循环名声,但搜索始于肺部。



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