首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Energy expenditure in children predicted from heart rate and activity calibrated against respiration calorimetry.

Energy expenditure in children predicted from heart rate and activity calibrated against respiration calorimetry.


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The purpose of this study was to predict energy expenditure (EE) from heart rate (HR) and activity calibrated against 24-h respiration calorimetry in 20 children. HR, oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), and EE were measured during rest, sleep, exercise, and over 24 h by room respiration calorimetry on two separate occasions. Activity was monitored by a leg vibration sensor. The calibration day (day 1) consisted of specified behaviors categorized as inactive (lying, sitting, standing) or active (two bicycle sessions). On the validation day (day 2), the child selected activities. Separate regression equations for VO2, VCO2, and EE for method 1 (combining awake and asleep using HR, HR2, and HR3), method 2 (separating awake and asleep), and method 3 (separating awake into active and inactive, and combining activity and HR) were developed using the calibration data. For day 1, the errors were similar for 24-h VO2, VCO2, and EE among methods and also among HR, HR2, and HR3. The methods were validated using measured data from day 2. There were no significant differences in HR, VO2, VCO2, respiratory quotient, and EE values during rest, sleep, or over the 24 h between days 1 and 2. Applying the linear HR equations to day 2 data, the errors were the lowest with the combined HR/activity method (-2.6 +/- 5.2%, -4.1 +/- 5.9%, -2.9 +/- 5.1% for VO2, VCO2, and EE, respectively). To demonstrate the utility of the HR/activity method, HR and activity were monitored for 24 h at home (day 3). Free-living EE was predicted as 7,410 +/- 1,326 kJ/day. In conclusion, the combination of HR and activity is an acceptable method for determining EE not only for groups of children, but for individuals.
机译:这项研究的目的是从心率(HR)和针对24小时呼吸量热法校准的活动中预测20名儿童的能量消耗(EE)。在两次单独的情况下,通过室内呼吸量热法在休息,睡眠,运动和超过24小时内测量了HR,耗氧量(VO2),二氧化碳生成量(VCO2)和EE。通过腿部振动传感器监测活动。校准日(第1天)由分类为非活动(躺着,坐着,站立)或活动(两次骑自行车)的特定行为组成。在验证日(第2天),孩子选择了活动。方法1(使用HR,HR2和HR3将清醒和睡眠结合),方法2(将清醒和睡眠分开)和方法3(将清醒分为活动和不活动以及合并活动)的VO2,VCO2和EE的单独回归方程和HR)是使用校准数据开发的。对于第1天,方法之间以及HR,HR2和HR3中24小时VO2,VCO2和EE的误差相似。该方法已使用第2天的测量数据进行了验证。在休息,睡眠或第1天至第2天之间的24小时内,HR,VO2,VCO2,呼吸商和EE值均无显着差异。应用线性HR方程到第2天的数据,使用HR /活动性联合方法的误差最低(VO2,VCO2和EE分别为-2.6 +/- 5.2%,-4.1 +/- 5.9%,-2.9 +/- 5.1% )。为了证明HR /活动方法的实用性,在家中(第3天)监测HR和活动24小时。自由活动的EE预计为7,410 +/- 1,326 kJ /天。总之,HR和活动的结合是确定EE的可接受方法,不仅适用于儿童群体,而且适用于个人。



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