首页> 外文期刊>Allergy >Acupuncture compared with oral antihistamine for type i hypersensitivity itch and skin response in adults with atopic dermatitis - A patient- and examiner-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial

Acupuncture compared with oral antihistamine for type i hypersensitivity itch and skin response in adults with atopic dermatitis - A patient- and examiner-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial


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Background Itch is the major symptom of atopic dermatitis (AD). Acupuncture has been shown to exhibit a significant effect on experimental itch in AD. Our study evaluated acupuncture and antihistamine itch therapy (cetirizine) on type I hypersensitivity itch and skin reaction in AD using a patient and examiner-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. Methods Allergen-induced itch was evaluated in 20 patients with AD after several interventions in separate sessions: preventive (preceding) and abortive (concurrent) verum acupuncture (VAp and VAa), cetirizine (10 mg, VC), corresponding placebo interventions (preventive, PAp, and abortive, PAa, placebo acupuncture; placebo cetirizine pill, PC) and a no-intervention control (NI). Itch was induced on the forearm and temperature modulated over 20 min, using our validated model. Outcome parameters included itch intensity, wheal and flare size and the D2 attention test. Results Mean itch intensity (SE: 0.31 each) was significantly lower following VAa (31.9) compared with all other groups (PAa: 36.5; VC: 36.8; VAp: 37.6; PC: 39.8; PAp: 39.9; NI: 45.7; P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between VAp and VC (P > 0.1), although both therapies were significantly superior to their respective placebo interventions (P < 0.05). Flare size following VAp was significantly smaller (P = 0.034) than that following PAp. D2 attention test score was significantly lower following VC compared with all other groups (P < 0.001). Conclusions Both VA and cetirizine significantly reduced type I hypersensitivity itch in patients with AD, compared with both placebo and NI. Timing of acupuncture application was important, as VAa had the most significant effect on itch, potentially because of counter-irritation and/or distraction. Itch reduction following cetirizine coincided with reduced attention.
机译:背景瘙痒是特应性皮炎(AD)的主要症状。针灸已显示出对AD实验性瘙痒有显着影响。我们的研究使用患者和检查者盲,随机,安慰剂对照,交叉试验评估了针刺和抗组胺止痒疗法(西替利嗪)对AD型I型超敏瘙痒和皮肤反应的作用。方法在20例AD患者中,分别采取几种干预措施后评估了过敏原引起的瘙痒:预防性(先前)和流产性(并发)ver针(VAp和VAa),西替利嗪(10 mg,VC),相应的安慰剂干预(预防性, PAp和流产PAa,安慰剂针灸;安慰剂西替利嗪丸(PC)和无干预对照组(NI)。使用我们验证的模型,在前臂上诱发瘙痒并在20分钟内调节温度。结果参数包括瘙痒强度,风团和耀斑大小以及D2注意测试。结果与所有其他组(PAa:36.5; VC:36.8; VAp:37.6; PC:39.8; PAp:39.9; NI:45.7; P <3)相比,VAa(31.9)后平均瘙痒强度(SE:0.31)显着降低0.05)。 VAp和VC之间无显着差异(P> 0.1),尽管两种疗法均明显优于其各自的安慰剂干预措施(P <0.05)。 VAp后的火炬大小明显小于PAp后的火炬大小(P = 0.034)。与所有其他组相比,VC后D2注意测试得分显着降低(P <0.001)。结论与安慰剂和NI相比,VA和西替利嗪均能显着降低AD患者的I型超敏性瘙痒。针灸的时机很重要,因为VAa对瘙痒的影响最大,可能是因为反刺激和/或分散注意力。西替利嗪引起的瘙痒减轻与注意力下降同时发生。



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