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Shovel Pruning: An act of ecology and camouflage


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Merriam-Webster's dictionary describes the phrase "shovel prune" as a euphemism, a soft-sounding phrase to conceal the horror of ripping a plant from the soil and tossing it into the trash. Actually, shovel pruning represents the culmination of a number of gardening sins. Intentionally or inadvertently, people commit crimes against the rose, the garden and the community that one can only remedy by judicious shovel pruning.Gardeners young in gardening years, in particular, are wont to "push the envelope," to test the limits of the micro-climate in which their roses grow. With freezes now occurring approximately every 20 years or so in my climate, planting roses that require significant chill in order to bloom is to blow raspberries at the rose and weather gods. The first year I planted 'La Belle Sultane', it was a joy to see, in the early spring, its purple single blooms enlivened by luminescent golden stamens grace the garden. It never bloomed again. Years went by and it spread by suckers, uprooting the lavender, crowding the sedum and choking the 'Lavender Pinocchio'. Finally, I removed it. But not before it left lurking rootlets to pop up periodically and remind me ofa failed challenge.
机译:Merriam-Webster的字典将短语“铲修剪”描述为委婉语,这是一种轻声用语,掩盖了从土壤中撕下植物并将其扔进垃圾桶的恐怖感。实际上,铲子修剪代表了许多园艺罪的高潮。人们有意或无意地对玫瑰,花园和社区犯了罪,他们只能通过明智的铁锹修剪来补救。特别是从事园艺工作的年青园艺家,不会“推开信封”,以检验其极限。玫瑰生长的小气候。在我的气候中,现在大约每20年左右就会发生一次结冰,种植需要大量冷却才能开花的玫瑰是向玫瑰吹树莓,风化上帝。我栽种“ La Belle Sultane”的第一年,我高兴地看到,在初春时分,紫色的单花盛开着发光的金色雄蕊,使花园更加优美。它再也没有开花。数年过去了,它被吸盘传播,使薰衣草连根拔起,使景天拥挤并阻塞了“薰衣草皮诺曹”。最后,我将其删除。但是,在此之前,潜伏的rootlet会定期弹出并提醒我失败的挑战。



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