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A Life With Roses: esterday, today and tomorr


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It is June 1945. In the garden of a neat, white bungalow in South Milwaukee, WI, my Grandma Caroline lifts me up toward the lovely pink blossoms hanging down from a white picket arbor over the walkway on which she stands. "Careful," she says. "Roses have prickles." Perfume and color surround me, and I am sure this is the prettiest flower I have ever seen. Reaching up, I touch silky petals and begin a life-long love affair. This is one of my earliest memories. Many of us got introduced to roses in thevery same way; somebody we love grew or grows roses. My grandmother grew only one, because her small garden was a World War II Victory Garden that provided food for her family. One rose, however, was enough to make a lasting impression on her eldest grandchild. I know now that the rose was 'New Dawn' and that my Grandpa Will built the arbor for my grandmother. 'New Dawn' was a very special climber. That particular rose, holding plant patent Number One, became popular across the country after its introduction in 1930. It had a wonderful habit of blooming twice for Grandma Caroline during each brief Wisconsin summer. And it does the same for me today in our garden in Colorado Springs.
机译:那是1945年6月。在威斯康星州南密尔沃基的一个整洁的白色平房花园里,我的卡罗琳奶奶将我抬到可爱的粉红色花朵上,粉红色的花朵从白色尖桩乔木悬在她站立的走道上。 “小心,”她说。 “玫瑰有刺。”香水和色彩环绕着我,我相信这是我见过的最漂亮的花。伸手,我抚摸着丝般的花瓣,开始了终生的恋爱。这是我最早的回忆之一。我们许多人以完全相同的方式介绍了玫瑰。我们爱的人成长或成长的玫瑰。我祖母只有一个,因为她的小花园是二战胜利花园,为她的家人提供食物。然而,一朵玫瑰足以给她的长孙留下深刻的印象。我现在知道玫瑰是“新曙光”,我的爷爷将为祖母建造乔木。 “新黎明”是一个非常特别的登山者。拥有植物专利一号的那朵特殊的玫瑰在1930年问世后在全国范围内广受欢迎。在每个短暂的威斯康星州夏季,卡罗琳奶奶都有两次开花的奇妙习惯。今天在科罗拉多州斯普林斯的花园里,对我来说,情况也是如此。



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