首页> 外文期刊>Allergology international: official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology >Pharmacokinetics of Beclomethasone Dipropionate in an Hydrofluoroalkane-134a Propellant System in Japanese Children with Bronchial Asthma

Pharmacokinetics of Beclomethasone Dipropionate in an Hydrofluoroalkane-134a Propellant System in Japanese Children with Bronchial Asthma


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Background: Hydrofluoroalkane-134a (HFA) has been shown to be a safe replacement for chlorofluorocar-bons (CFCs) as a pharmaceutical propellant, with the advantage that it has no ozone-depleting potential, This is the first report of the pharmacokinetics of beciomethasone dipropionate (BDP) delivered from a pressurized solution formulation using an HFA propellant system (HFA-BDP) in Japanese children with bronchial asthma.Methods: Plasma concentrations of beclomethasone 17-monopropionate (17-BMP),a major metabolite of BDP, following an inhaled dose of HFA-BDP (200 ug as four inhalations from 50 ug/actuation) in five Japanese children with bronchial asthma were quantified and analyzed by a non-compartmental analysis to obtain phar-macokinetic parameters.Results: The area under the concentration-time curve from time zero to the last quantifiable time (AUCo-t) was 1659 (+-) 850 pg h/mL (arithmetic mean (+-) standard deviation (SD)), the maximum concentration observed (Cmax) was 825+ 453 pg/mL and the apparent elimination half-life (t.1/2) was 2,1 (+-)0,7 hours, The time to reach Cmax (Tmax) was 0,5 hours in all patients, No special relationship was observed between these parameters and age or body weight, These parameters were compared with the previously reported parameters of American children with bronchial asthma, The Japanese/American ratio of the geometric means of each parameter was 1,36 for AUCo-t, 1.04 for Cmax and 1A for ti /2. The median of Tmax was 0.5 hours in American patients as well as Japanese patients.Conclusions: The pharmacokinetics of HFA-BDP in Japanese children with bronchial asthma are reported for the first time and a similarity to those in American children is suggested.
机译:背景:氢氟烷烃134a(HFA)已被证明可以安全地替代氯氟碳(CFCs)作为药物推进剂,其优点是没有消耗臭氧的潜能,这是倍他米松药代动力学的首次报道。在日本患有支气管哮喘的儿童中,使用HFA推进剂系统(HFA-BDP)从加压溶液配方中输送的二丙酸酯(BDP)。方法:血浆中的倍氯米松17-单丙酸酯(17-BMP)是BDP的主要代谢产物,定量分析了五名日本支气管哮喘儿童的HFA-BDP吸入剂量(从50 ug /次驱动中吸入四次,每次200 ug),并通过非房室分析对其进行了分析,从而获得了药动学参数。结果:从零到最后一个可量化时间(AUCo-t)的时间曲线为1659(-)850 pg h / mL(算术平均值(+-)标准偏差(SD)),观察到的最大浓度(Cmax)为825+ 453羽g / mL,表观消除半衰期(t.1 / 2)为2.1(+-)0.7小时,所有患者达到Cmax(Tmax)的时间为0.5小时,无特殊关系在这些参数与年龄或体重之间观察到了这些参数,并将这些参数与先前报告的美国支气管哮喘儿童的参数进行了比较。AUCo-t的每个参数的几何平均值的日裔/美国人比为AUCo-t为1.36,对于ti / 2,Cmax和1A。结论:美国和日本患者的Tmax中位数为0.5小时。结论:首次报道了日本支气管哮喘儿童中HFA-BDP的药代动力学,建议与美国儿童相似。



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