首页> 外文期刊>American journal of psychiatry >Association of pre-onset cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco use with age at onset of prodrome and age at onset of psychosis in first-episode patients.

Association of pre-onset cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco use with age at onset of prodrome and age at onset of psychosis in first-episode patients.


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OBJECTIVE: Several reports suggest that cannabis use is associated with an earlier age at onset of psychosis, although not all studies have operationalized cannabis use as occurring prior to onset of symptoms. This study addressed whether pre-onset cannabis use, alcohol use, and tobacco use are associated with an earlier age at onset of prodromal and psychotic symptoms. Effects of the progression of frequency of use were examined through time-dependent covariates in survival analyses. METHOD: First-episode patients (N=109) hospitalized in three public-sector inpatient psychiatric units underwent in-depth cross-sectional retrospective assessments. Prior substance use and ages at onset of prodromal and psychotic symptoms were determined by standardized methods, and analyses were conducted using Cox regression modeling. RESULTS: Whereas classifying participants according to maximum frequency of use prior to onset (none, ever, weekly, or daily) revealed no significant effects of cannabis or tobacco use on risk of onset, analysis of change in frequency of use prior to onset indicated that progression to daily cannabis and tobacco use was associated with an increased risk of onset of psychotic symptoms. Similar or even stronger effects were observed when onset of illness or prodromal symptoms was the outcome. A gender-by-daily-cannabis-use interaction was observed; progression to daily use resulted in a much larger increased relative risk of onset of psychosis in females than in males. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-onset cannabis use may hasten the onset of psychotic as well as prodromal symptoms. Age at onset is a key prognostic factor in schizophrenia, and discovering modifiable predictors of age at onset is crucial.
机译:目的:尽管并非所有研究都已将大麻的使用开始于症状发作之前,但一些报告表明,大麻的使用与精神病发作的年龄较早有关。这项研究探讨了发病前和精神病性症状发作前,发病前使用大麻,饮酒和吸烟是否与年龄较早有关。通过生存分析中随时间变化的协变量检查了使用频率的进展的影响。方法:对在三个公共部门住院的精神科住院的首例患者(N = 109)进行了深入的横断面回顾性评估。通过标准化方法确定先前的药物使用和前驱和精神病性症状发作的年龄,并使用Cox回归模型进行分析。结果:尽管根据发病前的最大使用频率(无,曾经,每周或每天)对参与者进行分类,结果显示大麻或烟草的使用对发病风险没有显着影响,但对发病前使用频率变化的分析表明:逐渐发展成日常大麻和吸烟与精神病症状发作的风险增加有关。当结果是疾病或前驱症状发作时,观察到相似甚至更强的作用。观察到按性别使用大麻的互动;逐渐发展为日常使用导致女性罹患精神病的相对风险大大高于男性。结论:发病前使用大麻可能会加速精神病和前驱症状的发作。发病年龄是精神分裂症的关键预后因素,发现发病年龄的可改变预测因子至关重要。



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