首页> 外文期刊>北海道大学農經論叢 >The Impact of Dzud and Dynamic Changes of Nomads in Mongolia

The Impact of Dzud and Dynamic Changes of Nomads in Mongolia


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This paper focuses on the number of domestic livestock kept by nomads in Mongolia. The economic conditions of nomads in Mongolia changed during the transition of a centrally planned economy to a market economy, and as a result of harsh climatic conditions (referred to as Dzud in Mongolian). We have divided the nomads into two categories : Before and after the Dzud, First: From 1991 to 1999, the number of domestic livestock had been increasing along with the increase of family members. During this period, nomads increased the number of their sheep and goats. Second : After the Dzud, it appears that respective farmers had between 51 and 100 livestock and about 65% of the families had less than 100 livestock. A comparison of data in 1999 and 2003, illustrated that in most categories, the nomads reduced in number where the reduction ratio depended on conditions, such as resistive livestock, weak livestock and labor conditions in respective families.
机译:本文重点介绍蒙古的游牧民族保存的家畜数量。 蒙古游牧民族的经济状况在将集中计划经济转型到市场经济的转型过程中,并且由于恶劣的气候条件(蒙古语称为Dzud)。 我们已经将游牧民族分为两类:在Dzud之前和之后,首先:从1991年到1999年,国内牲畜的数量随着家庭成员的增加而越来越多。 在此期间,游牧民族增加了他们的绵羊和山羊的数量。 第二:在Dzud之后,似乎各自的农民在51到100宗牲畜之间,约65%的家庭有少于100牲畜。 1999年和2003年的数据比较,说明了在大多数类别中,游牧民族减少了减少率依赖于条件的数量,例如各种家庭中的电阻牲畜,弱畜和劳动条件。



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