首页> 外文期刊>Journal of youth and adolescence >Grand Theft Auto is a 'Sandbox' Game, but There are Weapons, Criminals, and Prostitutes in the Sandbox: Response to Ferguson and Donnellan (2017)

Grand Theft Auto is a 'Sandbox' Game, but There are Weapons, Criminals, and Prostitutes in the Sandbox: Response to Ferguson and Donnellan (2017)


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In this issue, (Ferguson, C. J., & Donnellan, B. D., Journal of Youth and and Adolescence, published online 21 June 2017) criticize one of our studies (Gabbiadini, A., Riva, P., Andrighetto, L., Volpato, C., & Bushman, B. J., PLoS ONE, 11: 1-14, 2016) that found violent sexist video games can reduce empathy for female violence victims in male players who identify with violent male game characters, and do so by increasing masculine beliefs. Their main criticism is a "straw person" argument built on a claim that we never made (i.e., a direct effect of sexist-violent video games on empathy). They also made several other criticisms of our article. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to their criticisms in this article. We also point out some flaws in their reanalysis. Despite their criticisms, the core contributions of our original article remain intact.
机译:在这个问题中,(Ferguson,CJ,迪纳雷兰,青年和青春杂志,2017年6月21日在线发布)批评我们的一项研究(Gabbiadini,A.,Riva,P.,Andrighetto,L.,Volpato, C.,&Bushman,BJ,PLO,11:1-14,2016)发现暴力性别歧视视频游戏可以减少对识别暴力男性游戏角色的男性参与者的女性暴力受害者的同理心,并通过增加男性的信仰来这样做 。 他们的主要批评是一个关于我们从未制造的声称的“稻草人”的论点(即,即在同理心上直接影响性别暴力的视频游戏)。 他们还对我们的文章进行了几个其他批评。 我们很高兴有机会回应他们在本文中的批评。 我们还指出了他们的重新分析中的一些缺陷。 尽管他们的批评,我们原始文章的核心贡献仍然完好无损。



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