首页> 外文期刊>Journal of youth and adolescence >A Culturally Sensitive Approach to the Relationships between Identity Formation and Religious Beliefs in Youth

A Culturally Sensitive Approach to the Relationships between Identity Formation and Religious Beliefs in Youth


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Youth encounter issues of religion in the process of identity formation. However, most prior studies have focused on Christian youth in Western counties. This study examined the relationship between identity formation and religious beliefs in the Eastern national context where Buddhism and non-institutional folk religions are prevalent. Participants were 969 Japanese youth (51.3% female; M-age=20.1). Both literal and symbolic religious beliefs were included and both a variable- and person-oriented approach were used based on the three-factor identity model. The results from the variable-oriented approach (i.e., identity processes) demonstrated that identity commitment was positively associated with literal religious beliefs, whereas reconsideration of commitment was positively associated with both literal and symbolic religious beliefs. Findings from the person-oriented approach (i.e., identity statuses) confirmed these results. Overall, this study highlights the importance of religious beliefs in the process of identity formation among youth in an Eastern national context.
机译:青年遇到身份形成过程中宗教问题。然而,大多数事先研究侧重于西部县的基督教青年。本研究审查了在东部国家背景下的身份形成与宗教信仰之间的关系,佛教和非机构民间宗教普遍存在。参与者是969个日语青年(51.3%的女性;嗯= 20.1)。包括文字和象征性宗教信仰,并且基于三因素身份模型使用可变和以人为本的方法。来自变量导向的方法(即身份过程)的结果表明,身份承诺与文字宗教信仰积极相关,而重新考虑承诺与文字和象征性的宗教信仰有关。从面向人的方法(即身份状况)的调查结果证实了这些结果。总体而言,这项研究凸显了宗教信仰在东方国家中青年中的身份形成过程中的重要性。



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