首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermal Biology >Litopenaeus vannamei oxygen consumption and HSP gene expression at cyclic conditions of hyperthermia and hypoxia

Litopenaeus vannamei oxygen consumption and HSP gene expression at cyclic conditions of hyperthermia and hypoxia

机译:Litopenaeus Vannamei氧气消耗和高温和缺氧循环条件下的HSP基因表达

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Although Litopenaeus vannamei is a widely studied species, the information on how the organisms respond to natural daily variations of environmental conditions such as temperature and dissolved oxygen, and how such conditions alter the physiological responses, is scarce. In the present work, the strategies used by shrimps to cope with temperature and dissolved oxygen fluctuations during 24 days were investigated through the evaluation of oxygen consumption and heat shock proteins (HSP) gene expression. During daily fluctuations, no change in oxygen consumption in the short-term, but a significant increase in the long-term during hyperthermia conditions was registered, whereas a significant decrease during hypoxia was observed during all the bioassay. On the other hand, HSP70 and HSP90 gene expression increased in gills under thermal stress but was down-regulated under hypoxia, in both the short- and the long-term. This study highlights that to counteract environmental variations of temperature and dissolved oxygen, the shrimps use molecular compensatory mechanisms (HSP gene expression) that are different to those used under constant hypoxic conditions, suggesting that hypoxia can compromise physiological cytoprotection.
机译:虽然Litopenaeus vannamei是一种广泛研究的物种,但有关生物体如何应对环境条件的自然日常变化,如温度和溶解氧,以及这种条件如何改变生理反应,稀缺。在目前的工作中,通过评估氧消耗和热休克蛋白(HSP)基因表达,研究了虾应对温度和溶解氧气波动的策略和溶解的氧气波动。在日常波动期间,短期内没有氧气消耗的变化,但在热疗病症期间长期的显着增加,而在所有生物测定期间观察到缺氧期间的显着降低。另一方面,HSP70和HSP90基因表达在热应激下的鳃下增加,但在短期和长期内缺氧下调。该研究突出显示,抵消温度和溶解氧的环境变化,虾类使用与在恒定缺氧条件下使用的分子补偿机制(HSP基因表达)不同,表明缺氧可以损害生理学的细胞保护。



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