首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >Quality Indicators for the Management of Medical Conditions in Nursing Home Residents.

Quality Indicators for the Management of Medical Conditions in Nursing Home Residents.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a set of specific care processes associated with better outcomes for general medical conditions identified as quality improvement targets for institutionalized vulnerable elders. Methods: A national panel of nursing home experts used a modified-Delphi process to rate the validity (process linked to improved outcomes) and feasibility (of implementation and measurement) of candidate measures for depression, diabetes, hearing impairment, heart failure, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, pneumonia, stroke, and vision impairment. Each quality indicator was written as an "if" statement, describing persons to whom the quality indicator applied followed by a "then" statement identifying the care process to be provided. A separate clinical committee reviewed the resulting set of indicators. RESULTS: One hundred fourteen quality indicators were identified across the 11 medical conditions. The quality indicators capture a broad range of medical care addressing assessment, management, and follow up. Fifty-five indicators (48%) were identical to quality measures for community-dwelling vulnerable elders. A limited number were rated as questionably feasible to implement or measure (6 and 2, respectively). Thirty-eight (33%) would not be applied to measures of care quality for persons with advanced dementia or poor prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: Explicit care processes linked to improved nursing home outcomes for general medical conditions can be identified. Most of these care processes can be measured by medical records or interview. Nursing home quality measures for medical conditions must account for exclusions related to poor prognosis and advanced dementia.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是制定一系列特定的护理程序,与普通医疗条件的更好的结果相关联,确定为制度化弱势长者的质量改善目标。方法:国家护理国务院专家使用改进的德尔福进程来评估抑郁,糖尿病,听力障碍,心力衰竭,高血压,高血压,高血压,高血压,高血压,高血压,高血压,高血压,高血压,高血压,高血压,高血压缺血性心脏病,骨关节炎,骨质疏松症,肺炎,中风和视力障碍。每个质量指标都被编写为“IF”声明,描述了所应用的质量指标的人,其次是“当时”声明识别要提供的护理程序。一个单独的临床委员会审查了由此产生的指标集。结果:在11个医疗条件下鉴定了一百十四质量指标。质量指标捕获广泛的医疗服务报告,管理和跟进。五十五个指标(48%)与社区住宅脆弱长老的质量措施相同。有限的数量被评为实施或衡量(分别为6和2)。 38(33%)不适用于治疗痴呆病症或预后差的人的护理质量。结论:可以识别与改善护理家庭成果相关的明确护理过程,可以识别一般医疗条件。大多数这些护理过程可以通过医疗记录或访谈来衡量。医疗状况的护理家庭质量措施必须占与预后和先进痴呆症有关的排除。



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