首页> 外文期刊>Journal of phenomenological psychology >From a Phenomenology of the Subject to a Phenomenology of the Event: Reconstructing the Ontological Basis for a Phenomenological Psychology

From a Phenomenology of the Subject to a Phenomenology of the Event: Reconstructing the Ontological Basis for a Phenomenological Psychology




In this paper I make the argument that being phenomenologically faithful to human experience means broadening the scope of the phenomenological method to not only include subjective experiences. Instead of reducing the psychological study of phenomena to the subject who 'has' an experience and who makes sense of this experience according to his or her own goal-directed plans, I will introduce the idea of starting our research from an understanding of an experience that is more original than the subject who 'has' it, since it both happens to this subject and transforms this subject in the process of happening to it. This understanding of experience, which is based in part on insights from the later Heidegger and the work of Jean-Luc Marion, takes the phenomenological reduction beyond what this or that experience meant to a particular subject (a psychological reduction) and looks instead at how this particular subject came into being as part of an experiential event that allowed it to become the subject that it is. I will call this new phenomenology a 'phenomenology of the event' and will seek to develop the implications of situating the study of psychological phenomena within such a paradigm.
机译:在本文中,我致力于忠于人类经验的论点意味着扩大现象学方法的范围,不仅包括主观经验。而不是减少对“拥有”经验的主题的现象的心理学研究,谁根据他或她自己的目标导演计划,介绍了从对体验的理解开始研究的想法这比“拥有”它的主题更原始,因为它都发生在这个主题中,并在发生这种主题的过程中转变这个主题。这种对经验的理解,部分是从后兴海德格尔和Jean-Luc Marion的工作的洞察力,从而超出了这一点或者经验意味着对特定主题(心理减少)的现象学减少,并且看起来这种特殊的主题作为经验事件的一部分,使其成为它是它的主题。我将称这种新的现象学称为“事件的现象学”,并将寻求发展在这种范式中存在对心理现象研究的影响。



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