首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Pharmacists Association: JAPhA >Patients' need for more counseling on diet, exercise, and smoking cessation: results from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey.

Patients' need for more counseling on diet, exercise, and smoking cessation: results from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the percentage of physicians who reported counseling patients on diet/nutrition, exercise, weight reduction, or smoking cessation during their office visits when responding to the 2002 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS). We sought to establish whether patients are receiving adequate counseling from physicians on the basis of this nationwide survey. DESIGN: Retrospective database analysis. SETTING: United States. PARTICIPANTS: Data included 184,668,007 physician visits for patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, or obesity; 140,362,102 physician visits for patients in which insulin/oral antidiabetics, antihyperlipidemia drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, thiazide diuretics, or weight loss drugs were prescribed; and 82,317,640 physician visits for patients who smoked or used tobacco. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: Frequency of responses for counseling/education/therapy about diet/nutrition, exercise,weight reduction, and tobacco use/exposure. RESULTS: For patients with type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or hypertension, or patients receiving a drug in one of the drug classes that may indicate the presence of these diseases, patients did not receive any type of diet or exercise counseling during more than one half of all visits. Visits by patients who were diagnosed as obese were most likely to receive any type of counseling (80.2%). Of visits for patients who used tobacco, 78.6% did not include any counseling about smoking cessation. CONCLUSION: Patients are insufficiently counseled and educated about the need for lifestyle changes that can affect their risks for common chronic diseases. As accessible and ideally positioned health care providers, pharmacists could potentially affect the rising epidemic of obesity and other lifestyle-related diseases by filling this void.
机译:目的:确定报告咨询患者饮食/营养,运动,减肥或在办公室访问期间响应2002年国家外国医疗护理调查(NAMC)时戒烟或吸烟。我们试图在全国范围的调查的基础上,建立患者是否接受医生的充分咨询。设计:回顾性数据库分析。环境:美国。参与者:数据包括184,668,007名医生参观,用于诊断出2型糖尿病,高脂血症,高血压或肥胖症; 140,362,102针对胰岛素/口腔抗体,抗高血症药物,血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,噻嗪类利尿剂或减肥药的患者进行医生访问;和82,317,640名医生访问吸烟或使用烟草的患者。干预措施:不适用。主要成果措施:咨询/教育/治疗的频率频率/营养/营养,运动,减肥和烟草使用/暴露。结果:对于2型糖尿病,高脂血症或高血压的患者,或在可能表明这些疾病存在的药物类别中接受药物的患者,患者在超过一半的情况下没有收到任何类型的饮食或运动咨询所有访问。被诊断为肥胖的患者的患者最有可能接受任何类型的咨询(80.2%)。用于烟草的患者的访问,78.6%不包括任何关于吸烟停止的咨询。结论:患者不充分咨询和接受教育需要对生活方式变化的需求,这可能影响其常见慢性疾病的风险。作为可访问和理想的保健提供者,药剂师可以通过填补这种空隙来影响肥胖症和其他与生活方式相关疾病的不断上升。



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